..::East TN Prop Shop::.. Pack Progress!

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Hey all!

I just thought I would give you a quick link to my site to show you our progress on our Prototype Proton Pack! We've been working very hard on a tight schedule and so far it looks very promising. The best part of this whole project is that we decided to use only wood for the primary parts, we hope you enjoy and I guaruntee there will be more pics for your viewing pleasure!

Here is the link to the projects page at The GBPS Website, feel free to browse around:
For 1024x768 Enabled Browsers
Current Projects in the Prop Shop

For 800x600 Enabled Browsers
Current Projects in the Prop Shop

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 1 month ago

Sounds cool, I'll check it out.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago


We have the following items completed:
Ion Arm Assembly(2)

Here is the link to the projects page at The GBPS Website, feel free to browse around:
For 1024x768 Enabled Browsers
Current Projects in the Prop Shop

For 800x600 Enabled Browsers
Current Projects in the Prop Shop

by Edimasta

23 years, 1 month ago

link is not workin

Geocities is telling me that your site does not exist

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Of course is doesn't exist on Geocities!! We're now Eastprops.com, Here is a new link for 800x600 browsers:

Current Projects in the Prop Shop

And a new Link for 1024x768 Browsers:
Current Projects in the Prop Shop

Enjoy, the pics are working now on the 800x600 page.