Easter eggs you would like to see

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Is there an echo in here?

Is there an echo in here?

by PirateQueen

15 years, 10 months ago

*quack quack*

by Ectofiend

15 years, 10 months ago

john candy as louis, or a pic on the wall of louis that loks like candy

*Too obscure for the casual player, and too “out of context” otherwise …That would akin to having a optional Venkman “Skin” that looked like John Belushi, or a Winston “skin” that looked like Eddie Murphy…

*However and having said that, if they wanted to go that “obscure trivia” route, a picture of just Candy as himself on the wall wouldn't hurt (*peter):-)…


by ronal_052

15 years, 10 months ago

the paint of the ghostbusters with oscar from the end of GB2 somewhere in the fire station

by mdp872105

15 years, 10 months ago

a giant twinkie:-)

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 10 months ago

I'd like to see during a cutscene someone flips TV channels and Real Ghostbusters is briefly shown.

Another is all the magazines from the first movie montage, newspapers about their big lawsuit after the first movie, and maybe something mentioning Dana Barrett.

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

a stereo that plays ‘Higher and Higher’ with a toaster nearby. The two fingers aloft sign from GB2 propped up against a wall somewhere. ‘World of the Psychic’ on DVD on a shelf!

EDIT: i had forgotten I had mentioned the sign in the other thread! sorry to repeat myself!

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

Ok, how about opening with the musical sting from GB2, and the legend ‘Two Years later’?

by SolidusR4S

15 years, 10 months ago

Controlling the Statue of Liberty with you NES Advantage controller (WII version)

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

a stereo that plays ‘Higher and Higher’ with a toaster nearby. The two fingers aloft sign from GB2 propped up against a wall somewhere. ‘World of the Psychic’ on DVD on a shelf!

I doubt they would do the whole DVD thing since the game takes place in 1991. The DVD format didn't even go into development until around '93


a VHS boxset on the other hand…that would be cool