by darthpunk

23 years, 1 month ago

I still see that there is a big on what all the lights, ect, on ECTO-1 are. So let's try and settle this once and for all…Starting at the top;
The two light bars are, as we all seem to be agreed on, the ‘Force 4 XL’, made by Code 3. The bars on ECTO-1 are actually only 49 inches wide as, compared to the wider 56“ bar that was used on ECTO-1A. And for anybody that still doesn't belive me, you can gauge it by the width of the siren housing in the middle of the bar in comparison to the 18” blue lenses.
Next we come to the lights on the roof rack. On the front left side there is a ‘Model 19 Propelloray’. A horizontal rotating beacon made by Federal. It is also pretty much the same unit as the Federal model 18 ‘Solaray, the only significant diferance being the mounting. If we now look over to the right side we see the siren. This is also made by federal and is the 12v model C5GB. Sadly the famous siren sound heared in the film was dubbed over, but nevermind. Anyway, inbetween these two pieces, we can see a small strobe head. This is a Whelen Engineering ’Strobe Light Beacon' model no: HR-DF-14 FAA-PMA/STC Sa615EA with a clear lense to be precice. As the ‘FAA’ sugests this is actually an anti-collision aviation strobe, the kind commonly used on Cessna's.
Now if we move back on to the roof, we can see that there are four small lights with blue lenses, one mounted on each corner. These are 6" Deck lights, made by Unity and that is all there is to say about them.
Next, if we move down on to the front wing, we can see another, slightly larger blue light, mounted just infront of the drivers side door. This is a Unity Spotlight, with optional mirror fixed on the back. It is a remote operated unit, controlled via a rod that leads to a handle in the cab, comming out of the dash just infront of the screen wash/wiper control and next to the steering wheel.
Lastly there are the two strobe heads mounted on the center bar of the grill, level with the headlights. These are not self contained strobe units like the one on the roof rack, they are Whelen ‘mini stobes’ probably similar to the Whelen ‘IS1’ series, with low profile lensese (actally the low profile version of the lense found on the HR-DF unit mounted on the roof).
Well there you go, any questions don't hesitate to ask, or any arguments…Bring it on!!!
And yes, I have the car to back this up.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

I thought we ended this discussion long ago…. face

So you have the car eh? I want to see some pics, sounds interesting smile

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

well at least he did his resarch.
im gone.


23 years ago

Hold on a sec, you own THE car the one at sony? The one thats rusting over and is worse condition than the top of the gozer building? Because if you do own that i bet there are alot of people who'd like to yell at ya. Me included, so please cleare up your statment, Do you own THE ECTO-1, or do you own a ecto-1 rep.?

by Ectoman

23 years ago

Let me clairify.. he owns a Caddy..


23 years ago

that would do it, lol.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

hey I own a caddy too, IT SUCKS!

by darthpunk

23 years ago

So, it's Sony that own THE ecto-1. Right, so do you reacon if afew of us got together we could bust on in there and rescue it ?!?!?!
So to answere the question, NO, I don't own that Caddy, mine is a replica and I'm glad too. Every time I'm daunted by the work still needing to be done to my car I just look at that one and suddenly feel a whole lot better. Infact it was Ectoman who sent me the pictures of THE ecto-1, as it now apeares, rotting away like that. So incase anybody is unsure what car we are on about take a look at the ‘Ghosbusters Prop Archive’ (or just have a look at the site because it's fantastic!).
The reason I was able to list off all the lights like that is because I've spent so long researching the subject, so as to get my car as accurate as possible. What frustrated me was that I was never able to find a streight forward list, telling me what I needed to know all in one place. So when I saw a post somewhere on this site asking about the lights on Ecto-1, I thought I'd try and do my bit to save other people the hassle of going through a year of tedious research.
Anyway, now I've managed to part with several thousand Dollars to aquire all this stuff, I've now got the fun job of putting it all together on top of my car. Before Christas I only had the roof rack, but had to take it of, so as to fit the car in a garage for the winter. When I fit it all back together later this year, it'll be the closest my car would have come to being complete, so I can't wait. I am a school teacher and so can only fit in the time to work on the car during the hollidays, so Easter is probably when I'll get round to it. I hope my post was of at least some use some. one. If anybody else has a Miller+Meteor I'd really love to see some pics. Until then, be good!!!
“ I dunno… a couple wavey lines ???”

by ecto-3

23 years ago

You sure do talk alot wink

Your car sounds interesting, if only there were pictures now.

by Rick

23 years ago

I did a search on the Net and found a couple of places that sell Code 3 Force XL lightbars. They aren't exactly the same as Ecto-1's, because they don't have the siren grill in the middle. But they could be made to look like the original lightbars with a little bit of work (that's if you can't find an original lightbar to start with).

The last link is an auction on Ebay for an XL5000.

See ya's,