by ecto-3

23 years ago

Are they the correct size though?

by darthpunk

23 years ago

I've already seen that lightbar on ebay, its cantre piece makes it a 54" bar, which is no good for an ECTO-1 replica. However, it would be right for an ECTO-1A. All you'd need to do is replace the domes (lenses) with three clear ones, as there was no siren grill on the 1A's lightbar.

by darthpunk

23 years ago

I meant to say 56“ not 54” about that light bar on ebay. SORRY!!!

by ecto-3

23 years ago

good save wink

by darthpunk

23 years ago

This is a message for Brad, at ECTO-135

Thanks for you e-mail, but when I reply to it I keep getting it sent back. So I've posted a message here and I hope you find it. I have to say your site (ECTO 135) is well know as being one of the best Ghostbusters sites around and I myself have recommended it to many other people who themselves are interested in finding out about the car and other GB related thing. However, I have never actually been able to view it my self, as my browser always tells me that there is a problem and the page won't open. This even happens with the link at the bottom of your mail that you sent me. If you can suggest why this is happening and how I might be able to overcome this, then let me know, so I can finally see your site. Despite the fact i can't access the site, I’d be more than happy to tell you anything you want to know about my car. As I said to somebody else just the other day “I ‘learn by my mistakes so that other people don’t have to”. If you want to know anything specific then just ask. I'm quite happy to send pictures aswell, however my computer is being a total ass about sending pictures via e-mail, even when zipped, but if you like I can post you some and you can feel free to use them however you want. To let you know the basic stuff about my car, it is an accurate 1959 Cadillac Miller+Meteor Combination Hearse/Ambulance (or the ‘Futura Duplex’, as it was apparently know). It was originally commissioned as a hearse, complete with a nice black paint job, and then used as an ambulance later (probably around the early to mid sixties). I bought the car just over a year ago form ‘Sunshine Classics’ in Florida, I'm sure many people saw it for sale and wished they'd got there before me. I paid $20.000.00 for the car and as I live in the UK I then had to pay around $1700 to ship it over. I'd had the car checked out by some friends we have over there and they said that it was in good condition. When I collected the car from Southampton docks I was seeing her for the first time and I could not believe how lucky I'd been. The car is amazing, even though it was winter and the sky was pissing with rain (not unusual for this country) she looked stunning. I've owned fifties cars before, infact I sold my 58 Chrysler Windsor just to cover the cost of importing this one, but I could not get over how impressive she was, even parked up next to a fleet of Lincoln Town car Limos that were also at the dock, she looked huge. We had a transporters ready to take it home, but we took it for a drive around the compound. The car started without a problem and the engine hums perfectly. Since then we've spent thousands of Dollars and Pounds working on the car, both from a classic Caddy restoration perspective and that of an Ecto replica. The running total so far for all the light is around $2500.00 and we ain’t done yet. The estimated cost for the whole project, which I hope will bring the car to mint condition, is around $15000.00. Some people think that I'm crazy, but get behind the wheel and pull of down the street and suddenly you realise why it's all worth it! Anyway, I've gotta go, I'm supposed to be at the cinema right now, but I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.
“No job is too big, no fee is too big…”

by back

23 years ago


yes is did find your message and it is a shame that my site is not cooperating at the moment, i will enter a manual link at the end of this message. heres the questions:

1.How did you find your Cadillac?

2.What kind of shape was she in when you bought/found her?

3.At any point did you ever consider restoring her to factory condition instead of an Ectomobile conversion?

4. (off the record at your discression)May I ask the approx. cost of the Cadillac?

5.What model was it? I didnt quite catch it, was it a 59' M&M or an S&S, then was it a hearse or ambulance based body? (ambulance being limo style windows all around similar to the Ecto-1/1a.)

6.What needs/needed the most work on her once you got her home? And what were the hardest/most costly parts to find?

7. (off the record at your discression)What is your budget plan for the construction of your Ecto?

8.What options is it packing? AC? Power windows? Ashtray? AM Radio? Leather seats? Etc….

9. When purchased/found was it equipped with any emergency/ambulance tools whatsoever? (being cowl lights, siren, CB radio, CB radio mount or hook-up's for any of the above?)

10.Now, what kind of condition is the interior in at the moment of purchase/then now?

11.Does it have all exterior options being the wench, front/rear spot lights & rear door air vent?

12. Are the rear floor storage panels & storage shelves still in decent shape/there?

13.Still got the strecher or at least the coffin/strecher hold?

14.Any idea on what year she was de-commisioned?

15.Any information on any of its history at all when aquired?

16.What does the speedometer read?

17.Does she run yet?

18.How long have you had her to date of Feb. 11/02?

19.Whats under the hood of your Cadillac, Engine wise?

20.Any previous modifications to your purchase of the vehical?

21.And finally is it a 3speed collum shift or an automatic?

and about the pics, whenever you can do all this is great! thanks.
im gone.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

You bought that one!?! Woa! I was wondering who had bought the one from Sunshine Classics..