Ecto-1, 1A lights and decals.

by Rick

23 years, 1 month ago


When you said you have a source for these Force XL light bars, would you mind sharing the info? If I get this caddy I'm looking at buying I'll be interested in two lightbars for it.

I've actually seen lots of Force XL's on tow trucks in my area, but I'm not sure of their length. They look identical to the Ecto-1's, except they had an amber lense.


by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Do you mean to convert all four cars into Ecto-1's? Do you have any more pics of the cars or are they in the “Toy Box”?

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 1 month ago


The guy that takes car of the lights and emergency equipment for my other project cars has a supplier that still stocks the Proper bars. If you get the car, let me know and I'll see what he can do for you. I'm sure we can get you what you need.


The only car that is being converted is the Ecto-1a replica. The Other cars are in the process of being restored to factory appearance and functionality. Aside form not really needing 4 Ecto's, the rest of the cars arent the proper body style for it. If and when I do find another ‘59 that is the right style, I will probably do an Ecto-1 replica so I have a matched set. The Limo, Ambulance, and Hearse are all being put back together as a Limo, Ambulance and Hearse. I dont have any additional photos on the web yet, but I am working on putting together a gallery of photos of my various projects. I’ll let you know when they are up and available on the web.


by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Is anyone aware that Stars Cars in Gatlinburg Tennessee houses its very own Ecto-1? They've had if for years, its really neat too. There are motion sensors around the car and when ever you approach it the lights come on. Now that I've got a digital camera I'll be taking pics of it soon, I can tell you now from an old pic that the yellow containment unit tanks are too small.

by Rick

23 years, 1 month ago


Thanks mate. But I have another question for you. Are the lenses on the lightbars interchangeable? Aside from the blue lenses, can he supply Amber lenses also so I won't get busted by the cops everytime I drive the car?

I think I remember you saying a long long time ago that you made covers for your lightbars so you can drive around with the blue lenses. Do you reckon that would be better than changing lenses all the time?

Thanks heaps,

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 1 month ago

The Car in the Star Cars museum isnt a screen used car from what I can tell. I believe that is one of the Barris Built replicas that was made for the show circuit to promote the movies. It looks like a cool replica from the photos I've seen. But there are alot of differences between it and the movie car..


We should be able to get you Amber lenses. We can probably get whatever colors you want. Ive discovered that its generally easier to cover the lights then it is to change lenses though. (You usually have to take the bar apart to get lenses in and out. And that can be a pain when its mounted on a car.) I have covers for my lights as well as several hidden “kill” switches. With the hidden safety switches off, the lights wont work, even if you turn all the main light switches on. The laws locally for me state that a light isnt legal if its “capable” of displaying light. With the safety switches off, its not capable of doing anything, so it is legal. WE also run the covers so that there is no confusion with the local police. (Covers also protect the expensive lenses from Rocks and damage). You might want to take a Photo of the Ecto down to your Local Police station and Talk to them about it. You can tell them you are thinking about building a replica of this car, and you are looking for suggestions on making sure the car is legal. You can ask if covering the lights will be OK, ir if you need something different. Alot of times, talking to them up front proves to them that you arent trying to get away with anything. And they can be more inclined to work with you.

Hopefully that helps a little.


by Ectoman

23 years, 1 month ago

This may be a little out of the blue, but what do you use as a daily driver?

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 1 month ago


Daily Transportation is currently a 1997 BMW M3 Sedan. (Which is for sale if anyone is interested in a 4Door Rocketship.) Soon to be replaced with something bigger and better..


by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

That is true, I did notice differences on the roof as the car and as I pointed out earlier the yellow containment tanks are certainly smaller, still a very nice vehicle though. Also, instead of the twin pipes on the top which supposedly acted as extra proton beams was replaced with a piece from a satellite dish.


23 years, 1 month ago

All the no-blue light laws are find and dandy and once i get my Ecto-Va i will obide by them but…WHO WOULD MISTAKE THE ECTO-1 FOR A EMERGENCY CAR?!?!!?you dont see 1959 caddies driving around to catch bad guys, rescue people, or put out fires?? shouldnt there be a special license for this??