Ecto-1 Lithograph Now Available.

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

looks like we're all deeper in the hardcover hole with this thing not selling. Does this mean since this isn't making a profit(as of now), there is probably even less money to fund printing of the hardcover? i'm just trying to understand. This litho was offered to try and pay for something everyone payed for already? Is it likely the hardcover will never see the light of day at this point?


I honestly don't know anymore… I'm sure somewhere Sebastien says the lithographs aren't here to provide funds for the hardcover.

by kuzeh

17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah right!! :-) (^_^)

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah right!! :-) (^_^)

Well, at this point it'd be one person's word against another… maybe he's being honest… or he's just lying through his teeth… we can't really proove it one way or another.

by zack1

17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah. That whole “is a tribute to one of the most recognized cars in movie history” thing to make it sound like its not a desperation move to raise funds. Also on Weaver Hall someone asked

So does this mean there's finally hope for getting our hardcover comics we all pre-ordered in good faith two years ago?

and he said

Absolutely. This is the first step. Next the HC. Stay Tuned.

So I'm wondering now if we're more likely to see a snowball you know where than the hardcover if this was the plan B. (;_ Just the “lets put more money into something else for people to buy from us to raise money for the thing they already bought but never received a few years ago…”


by fome

17 years, 11 months ago

careful with the comments Zack… or you might be banned… lol :p

by zack1

17 years, 11 months ago

nah…just inactive. (*winston) :p I mean I hate to sound like this but I'm starting to wonder what its going to take to get the book in our hands. Maybe more people will buy the litho. He said he was thinking 50 or 60 would sell. I wonder if thats the magic number or just an estimate of what he thought would sell.

I can't help but wonder what Dan Aykroyd would think of all this.


by fome

17 years, 11 months ago

he would frown a bit, sigh and touch his chin like in the montreal interview lol… :p

by zack1

17 years, 11 months ago

it's funny, after all the nonsense with stuff being deleted at Weaver Hall and the constant run-around, it looks like most people have given up on talking on there. Certainly not about hardcover stuff.


by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah. That whole “is a tribute to one of the most recognized cars in movie history” thing to make it sound like its not a desperation move to raise funds. Also on Weaver Hall someone asked

So does this mean there's finally hope for getting our hardcover comics we all pre-ordered in good faith two years ago?

and he said

Absolutely. This is the first step. Next the HC. Stay Tuned.

So I'm wondering now if we're more likely to see a snowball you know where than the hardcover if this was the plan B. (;_ Just the “lets put more money into something else for people to buy from us to raise money for the thing they already bought but never received a few years ago…”


Yeah, I remember seeing that… but the problem is that it could be easily construed to mean that they're there to support the book if reality is actually that they aren't.

Of course, could be… I've been wrong in the past but there's always the outside chance that the lithographs aren't there to pay for the hardcover.

careful with the comments Zack… or you might be banned… lol :p

Not funny, please stop posting comments like that.

by fome

17 years, 11 months ago

don't worry nothing concerning the mods in here just a reference to Zack not being able to log to Weaver Hall a while ago… Zack should get it…