Ecto-1 Lithograph Now Available.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

Well, how should I know how easy it is? I've never sent out products to twenty people in another country and had access to tracking numbers and things like that.

And even if there are ‘thousands of people that are a one man show and sell/produce more complex stuff than comic books and have a better customer service than 88mph…’ we're talking about Sebastien Clavet here… a man who meant well, had a vision but should stick to creative stuff.

I could produce a kickass music album but it wouldn't mean I'd know how to distribute it well, or correctly.

And if I recall correctly he does actually have a full time job as an Editor on something… so I doubt he's devoting every hour of the waking day to the Lithograph tracking things.

88mph just keeps losing credibility

Beating the dead horse… statements like that lost their power a long time ago…

by crank

17 years, 9 months ago

Well, how should I know how easy it is? I've never sent out products to twenty people in another country and had access to tracking numbers and things like that.

And even if there are ‘thousands of people that are a one man show and sell/produce more complex stuff than comic books and have a better customer service than 88mph…’ we're talking about Sebastien Clavet here… a man who meant well, had a vision but should stick to creative stuff.

I could produce a kickass music album but it wouldn't mean I'd know how to distribute it well, or correctly.

That's why he should get some help and learn from past mistakes, but he apparently doesn't do either.

There is definitely something wrong with making people wait two yeas for a product, then saying “buy this product so i can finish the first product”, and then having issues with the second product.

by kuzeh

17 years, 9 months ago

Exactly…I mean, doesn't he have friends or siblings or a girlfriend that could help him out shipping stuff??
It's not rocket science…

we're talking about Sebastien Clavet here… a man who meant well, had a vision but should stick to creative stuff.

Really? He didn't write, penci, ink or color any of the GB comics did he?

Beating the dead horse… statements like that lost their power a long time ago…
Apparently any statements questioning 88mph don't have any power whatsoever, because…well…the HC hasn't been printed yet!!
And in this case…the horse is just “playing” dead…(so everybody magically forget this ever happened and don't have to give any refunds or HCs)

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 9 months ago

Kingpin is right. I get the fact that everybody's mad at Seb and all that. And you've had your insults back and forth…but I highly doubt these kind of statements will somehow reignite the fire in 88mphs. But hey, thats what the internet is for, right? Taking potshots at people.

All in all, I wish he would at least stay in contact with us. I'm sure a couple of us could be of some help, if for nothing else than advice. As of right now, I have no clue what could be running through his head…but the silence isn't helping.

by zack1

17 years, 9 months ago

I think some people including myself just wanna know what it will take to reignite the fire in 88MPH. Clearly the lithograph isn't it. With little communication, we're all left wondering if we're S.O.L. and if there's no hope at all. Some kind of reassurance that Seb is still trying his hardest to come through for all the fans who put in their hard earned money would be nice. I guess breaking off all communication is the best thing to do though he thinks.

Once again it is somewhat beating a dead horse I suppose but it makes me feel better talking about it and knowing others share my pain… :-) Talking about the poor business he did sure won't help but ehh its something to do… (*winston) It's hard to just not talk about it. For me anyway. I've been going through periods where I'm like “ok I'll just wait to hear something” and then someone posts about it and it gets me ranting again. Here's hoping theres an end in sight.


by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

That's why he should get some help and learn from past mistakes, but he apparently doesn't do either.

There is definitely something wrong with making people wait two yeas for a product, then saying “buy this product so i can finish the first product”, and then having issues with the second product.

If he had the money to pay office staff and rent/buy computers. Let's face it, he doesn't look like he's drowning in the green stuff (or whatever appropriate colour for Canadian currency)

And I'm pretty sure he's been on here and said second product isn't there to help pay off first product…

Really? He didn't write, penci, ink or color any of the GB comics did he?

I don't get your point, it's obvious he can't handle the practical/business side of things so surely he'd do less harm in the creative side.

Apparently any statements questioning 88mph don't have any power whatsoever

You're telling me that this:

88mph just keeps losing credibility

-is questioning 88MPH? Statements don't usually ‘question’, they're stated or declared and that is a pure breed statement, there's no question in it to have any lack of power.

Now this:

“Why is it that we've gone on two years and approaching a third and still haven't gotten our book yet?”

-is a question. And frankly, unless Sebastien either comes here and answers them personally, they're just gonna get ignored… or if they are answered, they're with a answer that rarely satisfies anyone because it's from someone who's having to guess.

I think it's pointless to continue asking here as chances are an answer isn't gonna appear, not this side of some announcement on the 88MPH web page/forum… The only likely chance of getting an answer is probably through Weaver Hall and he's made it pretty clear that he's not gonna answer any more questions until he's sure in his mind he's ready to.

And trust me, with guys like you around nobody'll forget about it.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Who knows, Clavet might decide to print a million copies of the hardcore se and send it out to everyone who's paid by next week!

by kuzeh

17 years, 9 months ago

And trust me, with guys like you around nobody'll forget about it.
Wow…are you serious?
I mean, it's because of guys like you that he's getting away with this scam!! Apparently in your book it's OK to get paid thousands of dollars from people and play dumb for over 2 years??!!! And the justification is oh, he's a visionary, he's a one man show? No customer service, no communication, people have been trying to contact him, politely, nicely, ranting, demanding and pretty much in every way, phone, e-mail, message boards and so far…nothing…
But enough is enough, this is my last post about this here, I got banned from Weaverhall for writing about this, and I don't want the same happening here, so, yeah, keep living in Clavetland,
“Where your money is safe, and your HC is invisible!”

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

And in this case…the horse is just “playing” dead…(so everybody magically forget this ever happened and don't have to give any refunds or HCs)


To help us process your refund please send us the following information :

Your full name
Your paypal transaction ID
Your paypal account email address.

Please CONTACT-US using the proper subject line.

However if you wish to keep your order know that your order is guaranteed. Graham Crackers orders are also guaranteed. Before we start shipping we will contact you to verify your address.

This book will have a low print run and is bound to be rare and valuable.
2007-MAR-1 10:10PM EST

by zack1

17 years, 9 months ago

I'm not sure about everyones experiences, but regarding the refunds, many people have said they attempted to go through the channel to get a refund for the HC and have had great difficulty. One thing is there seems to be little to no communication even with people who try to get a refund. That's what I've heard a lot of people say. Either that or it takes a long series of sending to get his attention enough I guess. Saying its really not as easy as the front page announcement would have you believe it is.
