Ecto-1 Lithograph Now Available.

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

I know

just look at this lol


doesn't seem to help much either


by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

And trust me, with guys like you around nobody'll forget about it.
Wow…are you serious?

No, I wasn't. I was trying this novel concept known as sarcasm.

I mean, it's because of guys like you that he's getting away with this scam!! Apparently in your book it's OK to get paid thousands of dollars from people and play dumb for over 2 years??!!!

You seriously think I like having paid for two books (one for me, one for a friend) and not having anything to show for it?

And the justification is oh, he's a visionary, he's a one man show? No customer service, no communication, people have been trying to contact him, politely, nicely, ranting, demanding and pretty much in every way, phone, e-mail, message boards and so far…nothing…

Did I say his being a ‘visionary’ excused his actions? I said he should stick to the creative things because he couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag. I didn't say his doing things on his own was anything to marvel at. It's moronic to tackle something the size of the hardcover on his own… it was a miracle he ever got the comic released at all.

BUT my point was that for all the bitching you still feel you're entitled to, it's not gonna be worth it if he doesn't stop by here to read it. It'd be the equivilant of punching him with a cushion and I bet you if complaining back when he first announced the delay didn't make a single bit of difference, complaining now will probably fail to even shift a single skin cell on his body.

I got banned from Weaverhall for writing about this, and I don't want the same happening here, so, yeah, keep living in Clavetland,
“Where your money is safe, and your HC is invisible!”

Don't tell me you actually think I'd ban you because I've had arguments with you because of Sebastien Clavet? We're not that dictatorial just yet.

And just so you know, people have been getting lithographs even if delayed:

bigtonay at Wevaer Hall
(Post dated Wed Mar 21, 2007)
i ordered mine around the second and got mine last week but it was mailed to PA not sure if different states take longer or not

sigep756 at Weaver Hall
(Post dated Sun Apr 29, 2007)
Hey all!

I received my litho two days ago. I did order it on March 2nd, so it took longer than expected. I emailed 88mph and let them know of the problem (which was apparently a Canada Post issue). They offered me a choice of refund or another litho.

Long story short, I have the litho in my hands and am once again a happy customer. This helps restore faith about the HC too!

by crank

17 years, 8 months ago

The litho has been solicited in the June issue of Previews. Price is $20 including the protective sleeve. Ordering it through your comic shop should save you the insane shipping cost.

by GB3

17 years, 8 months ago

The litho has been solicited in the June issue of Previews. Price is $20 including the protective sleeve. Ordering it through your comic shop should save you the insane shipping cost.

Yes, I noticed this too. That may be a really better way of getting it and save some coin, avoiding S/H costs. I was surprised this was solicited in Previews. I thought 88MPH would never deal with Diamond Dist. again as it was stated that its pretty hard to make ends meet as a small publisher through Diamonds stern policies for any publisher to be in their catalog. But my other plus was that the CAN $ has been stronger lately and was also another reason I thought I might get this. Probably will order it now through Previews.

by crank

17 years, 8 months ago

The litho has been solicited in the June issue of Previews. Price is $20 including the protective sleeve. Ordering it through your comic shop should save you the insane shipping cost.

Yes, I noticed this too. That may be a really better way of getting it and save some coin, avoiding S/H costs. I was surprised this was solicited in Previews. I thought 88MPH would never deal with Diamond Dist. again as it was stated that its pretty hard to make ends meet as a small publisher through Diamonds stern policies for any publisher to be in their catalog.

I'm not suprised that 88mph is doing something they may have said they'd never do again.

by GB3

17 years, 7 months ago

I ended up ordering the Ecto-1 litho through Previews. So I'll see if I get it. There are times when I do order stuff through Diamond and I don't end up getting it. Its rare but it does happen. I don't bother asking the comic store dealer because these things are out of his hands. Things can be allocated, never got released/cancelled, etc. Most of the time I do get my ordered items. Just wondering if the litho would end up being a problem due to 88MPH reputation. The litho exists already so it really shouldn't be delayed by anything. I shall see.
I ordered the GB movie poster from Aprils Previews and it hasn't come it at all too. Argh.

by GB3

16 years, 11 months ago

I finally got the ecto litho like a month ago from my comic shop. Somewhat relieved. But now the other lithos are in jeopardy. I don't know about the status of the Venkman litho, which I didn't order. But I saw the Diamond cancellation list and it stated the Winston one is cancelled by Diamond. It must've not met the minimum order amount or something for that to happen. So another lost avenue for 88MPH to sell these bits of merchandise through the comic book distribution outlet.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

Will these comics be sold in regular comic/book shops? (*ray)

by spengs1

16 years, 11 months ago

No. The on-going series was canceled way back. I don't know if the story for issue 2 was ever written, the cover art is on-line.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

I think he's talking about the Lithographs.

I think the Ecto-1 one was availavle through Graham Crackers, but no, they aren't available through normal comic shops unless the shop owner bought a bulk of them to sell there.