Ecto-1A nearly complete...minor detailing left

by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 7 months ago

The hazard stripes above the doors on the actual car were orange. The only Tonka yellow ones on the film car were the ones running along the sides of the vehicle at logo level.

Actually KP, I don't think that's correct. The caution stripes were a reflective yellow/amber and black striped tape. The nature of the material makes the stripes above the door appear orange because of their angle in relation to the viewer and surrounding light sources.

The same thing happens when you pass a traffic sign (as you move from in front of the sign to it's side the bright white lettering turns a smokey gray).

You might have to copy and paste the following links to make them work…

It's not the best reference for my point, but notice in the second image… the tape that runs along the center of the doors… towards the back where the tape turns and connects with the car's fins… as the surface of the car bends the tape's yellow appears to turn the same shade of “orange” as the tape above the doors.

I believe the orange is an optical illusion created by the slope of the 1A's roof and the properties of the tape.

Note the photo of the bike halfway down this page…

The yellow turns to orange as it curves away from the viewer.

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

Sorry Cosmic, but you've not convinced me that it's just a trick of the light…


Using the street sign analogy, I've found that often happens only when there's a direct source of light on the object such as a car headlight…

There's no notable ‘gradient’ of light and dark on hazard strip on the pictures of Ecto-1A during the day so I don't believe their being orange is because of the way the light reacts with them, even if it were why would they show up as orange in so many different environments? They're orange both in daylight and night.

I'm not sure the example of the bike works all that well as the tape's orange to begin with… I understand what you mean but I don't believe it's a case of yellow tape looking orange.

I'll drop some more screen grabs tomorrow.

by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 7 months ago

I'll drop some screen grabs tomorrow.

No need, I have plenty. I realize how it looks on film.

Again, the tape would not just be effected by light but the angle in which it's facing as well.

The best illustration would be if you owned anything with fabric reflective strips on them. If you were to bend, twist, wrinkle, or crumple the material a very noticeable gradation in the material's color and reflectivity (much more-so than the surrounding normal fabric) would occur regardless of lighting.

I can't say at the moment, without a shadow of a doubt, that they didn't use two different colors of tape. But doing so really wouldn't have made any sense, from either a practical stand-point or a design stand-point.

I stand by my belief that the color is effected by shape of the car. (*winston)

by secrecyguy

17 years, 7 months ago

I'll drop some screen grabs tomorrow.

No need, I have plenty. I realize how it looks on film.

I can't say at the moment, without a shadow of a doubt, that they didn't use two different colors of tape. But doings so really wouldn't have made any sense, from either a practical stand-point or a design stand-point.

I stand by my belief that the color is effected by shape of the car. (*winston)

Kingpin, if you saying that they change the tape of the car, that can not be possible. That's waste of time and money.

I have to agree with Cosmic-Riptide.

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago


I don't believe they're changing the tape per scene, I believe that on the car they had both yellow/black tape on the door and side panels and then had orange/black tape on the tops of the doors.

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

i remember seeing it as two distinctly different colors as well, and in every scene too. i think the top of the ecto was orange