Ecto-1K Back on the Road!

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 1 month ago

I dunno how many of you guys remember the tale of the glorious Ecto-1K…

I spent the summer designing and september transforming my 1998 Subaru Outback into an ectomobile for Halloween. The project lasted a total of about 5 months (starting with research and lightbar shopping), and culminated in early October with the completion of the car.

The finished product… a sort of hybrid of the original car and the 1A. The whole outfit was removable, took about 10 minutes to set up and left the car without a scratch.

And then five days before Halloween it all went horribly wrong!

I was driving in Old Town and I was rear-ended by a semi truck… damage to the exterior of the car as well as interior (including the frame) rendered it totaled.

*Mr. Bill voice* OH NOOOOO!

The accident and our antics brought local attention from the newspaper, we had a pretty neat article on Halloween.

Anyway, mid november I bought a 2003 Outback and started working on it's conversion. Bits I dislike about the new car is that it is off-white (this bit drives me fucking nuts…. it is SOOOO close to being white), and that the accent trim is a deep bronze (whereas the accent trim of the original 1K was grey/black).

Improvements included having all the wires for the lights and sound system tucked neatly under the carpet and out of the back seat (which was occupied by a rather cumbersome subwoofer) and building the lightbar controls into the dashboard. The end result is a toggle switch panel underneath the cd player that is unbelievably shiney and looks ike it came with the car.

The new car was completed on the 12th of December (I think…).

Along came the big Blizzards right before Christmas. Most of Colorado was shut down and snowed in. People were stranded on the streets and in their homes.

But this Ecto is all-wheel drive, baby.

We spent our days and nights during the blizzard driving around looking for stranded motorists and people in need. We mostly got out and pushed their cars unstuck, but sometimes we'd rig up a tow rope to my frame and pull them out of drifts.

This garnered us a lot more attention. Here is the newspaper article(complete with picture of the original car) that appeared on December 30 (I think..)

That's the *ahem*Resurrecto-mobile in all it's glory during the second blizzard. The thing is a bloody tank on snow and ice, and we build the roofrack to be weatherproof, so no harm done.

Now we're having a full coverstory being done on us that will come out in a week or two… gonna be awesome!

Anyway, tons of fun. I'll try to get “official” pictures of the new car sometime this week.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Oh man, you are awesome. Great job well done. The world could use more people like you!

After reading this, I'm definitely going to go out and help my community more! You're an inspiration, you really are man.

Very cool of you.

Btw, when you went around town in your Ecto, were you dressed like a GB? :p

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 1 month ago

Not during the blizzard… it was far too cold for our suits and the risk of slipping on ice and falling on the circuitboard bits on the belt was too great. Cut you up real bad, man!

The patches for our suits arrived the day AFTER Halloween, and only recently have our schedules allowed us to go out on the town at the same time (my roommates and I). Recently we've become the star attraction of a DJ who comes up from Denver to host the biggest 80s partys… fun with that.

by derail

18 years, 1 month ago

You must have been happy to have 4WD on your ecto the night that picture was taken. Great idea for an ecto by the way! The subaru has the kind of stylishness for an ecto. Really looks awesome with the lights running. :-)

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 1 month ago

You must have been happy to have 4WD on your ecto the night that picture was taken. Great idea for an ecto by the way! The subaru has the kind of stylishness for an ecto. :-)

Oh yes. The original ecto (the 1998) was my first car. It has a track record of being incredibly awesome. It pulled an H2 that slid off the road out of a ditch one winter. I kid you not.

Subies are tough, I tell ya!

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

So looks like you'll be the guest of honor at the 80s party, hehe.

Edit: Looks like I know what kind of car I'm getting next!

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Glad to see you've managed to bounce back so spectacularly from the rear-ending incident… I remember reading the article when I posted and all I can say is you have a nice civil spirit. The amber lights surely must've been a help and a blessing in disguise for those in trouble in the blizzards.

Fantastic work, looking forward to seeing some new shots of the new car.

by secrecyguy

18 years, 1 month ago

It's good that you have it back but…

Can we have more pictures please?

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 1 month ago

Can we have more pictures please?

All I have right now are mostly pictures of people in front of the car…. I'll be taking a lot of new ones this week for our coverstory, as well as getting professional pictures taken (think magazine ad-like pictures ^.^)
Here's what I have so far…

I visit a site called a lot, it's sort of a video blog by a guy in New York. Viewers and fans of The Show are referred to as SportsRacers, and there is a huge online community of us. One SportsRacer, Luke Vaughn, came up with idea of road tripping from Oregon to New York by

getting lifts from other SportsRacers. I thought it would get terribly funny if his ride through Colorado was in an Ectomobile, so I made my offer and we managed to keep it completely secret until we picked him up. He was handed off to us in Grand Junction from his Salt Lake City drivers, and we drove him to Fort Collins, about a 5-hour trip.
Holding a picture of the original for comparison…

Meeting Dr. Bridgers with a less-than-comfortable hug.
Official hand-off to me, Dr. Henry. Fun!
The FC GBs say good-bye to Luke ‘RunningFool’ Vaughn and celebrate their time together with Fingers in Food.

This was taken just the other day. The sisters of one of my friends were in town and she wanted to show them the ecto. At first they tried to do the whole “Charlies Angels” pose, which made me suddenly realize that girls confuse their hands with guns a lot, especially in pictures. Weird, huh? I told them to point at the camera and say “We're ready to believe you.” I'm not sure if they got it.

Tell me what you think… more soon!

Mod Note: Fixed the last image link, Boomerjinks. - Kingpin.

by Yehome

18 years, 1 month ago

“I'm Gay” o_O