On thursday I really began working on building the new roof rack. Logan helped out quite a bit with tools and talent in building a new, larger box out of lighter birch wood, internally reinforced by cleats.
Friday work continued with the installation of our amp under the rear cargo bay thingy. We had it done at Best Buy for $37, whereas any other place in town (CarToys, Ultimate Electronics, Circuit City) had quoted us for at least $65. Of course, this may have been because weren't asking them to rewire the speakers in the doors, so I assume it was less labor. The schedule for friday installations was completely full, but since it was ‘the ghostbustersmobile,’ one of the guys offered to stay an hour after work (on a friday!) to help us out. I dropped him a $25 tip for that shit. We installed and hooked up our new speakers shortly thereafter, being blown away by the difference in quality and volume from our original system.
By some random twist of fate, my custom plates arrived on Friday. So… off to the DMV to grab 'em!
Work ended with me going to bed around 4:30am. DEDICATION! I got up at 8 and mounted the rear lightbar as well as the rear tank, and we got everything wired up. Austin and I drove to pick up Logan to do some final wiring on connecting the amp, lengthening the cables so we could hide them a little better. Now, except for the single wire running to the drivers seat for the imput, the interior of the car is completely clean; no wires, cables, speakers, ANYTHING. I can even fold down the seats and transport… what…. like a sofa if I need to. The rear is just begging for a proton pack rack… no no no no, I must resist!
Anyway, we booked it down 287 through Loveland, Berthoud, Longmont, and finally Boulder. We arrived just as the show was starting, lights and siren blaring as we came down the street and into the parking lot. At registration the staff running the event were heard to say, “Okay, you are my new hero,” “Yeah, you just won yourself a trophy,” and miscellaneous “that is awesome” remarks.
We tucked ourselves behind the AWD Pirates subaru row and chilled out.

Doing… something… looks like electrical tape. I am so tired I can't even remember.

Yeah… me…
This is me, standing in front of the Ghostchasers' Ectocar!
Categories on the left are things like 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for best engine, best interior, best japanese import, best european import, etc etc. The awards on the right are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Oddball categories.

Allright, it's a chinsy trophy, but I still think it's funny as hell.

If you go to car shows or meets a lot, you'll find tons of cars with huge trophies propped up inside the hoods or displayed in front of the car or up on the roof. It is now my goal to win every “non-serious” category trophy from every car show I can get to and display them at future shows. You see, it's a parody of people who take their cars and lives too seriously.
So yeah… really tired. Lots of fun, lots of hard work that payed off in full.