Ecto-1K Back on the Road!

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 10 months ago

Nah, King, looks more like something Alucard might drive.

Alucard isn't industrial-goth enough

by RealmMan

17 years, 10 months ago

A hearse that shoots flames?

Charon's got a new ride to take souls across the Styx, and it's branded ‘Cadillac’.

The world's first hearse that doesn't just pick up “customers”… It makes ‘em. >8’]]

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 10 months ago

So… Saturday April 22nd was StarFest at the Denver Tech Center Marriott. I dragged Austin out of bed insanely early, Shauna showed up on time, and we all trekked (ha, get it?) down to the convention.

Some pictures and a story…. All pics with —- above them were taken by other people and found on the interwebs.

There's Shauna, my girlfriend….That's right, I managed to get a girl who to wear that suit (which belongs to my other roommate, Vincent) simply out of guilt that she has an emotional obligation to me.

Well, no. Actually, she makes her own costumes with needle and thread and enjoys scaring the squares. Any wonder we ended up together? She's awesome.

Allright, allow me to geek out when I recognize a guy dressed as the main character from my favorite book EVER. It was the sticker that brought us together, though. At least for this picture. 42, baby.

Holy crap! Tiny storm trooper! This kid was probably about 4 years old and incredibly tiny. I asked the mother if we could put her baby in mortal danger by perching him precariously on top of the hood of my car.

“Allright, back up. Little further. Now put the helmet on. We know you can't see, but pretend. Now dance and try not to, you know, fall and die.” That's really what I said.

Coolness, the folks running the registration let us park the car at the main entrance to the convention. Hilarious. I sort of take pleasure (or at least great amusement) at the suffering of others, so I got to watch people park a mile or so away and walk to the convention in costume while I got to park in the space between the parking lot and the actual building. Suckers.


Unfortunately, the only pictures I managed to get of the car were when we weren't being stormed by people with cameras. I tried to get photos of all the people clamoring around it, but I kept getting asked “can you go stand by the car for a picture?” Ugh.




An EXPENSIVE camera took this shot. “Too bad there's a great big fat guy in the way!” -Will


Too cool. TIE fighter pilot… in my car. If only he could see well enough to drive it.

He could use a good kiss!

Austin doesn't do too well without sleep. Poor guy.

…. Oh yeah.

Felt so sorry for this guy. His entire costume (save for the armor) was made from fleece. Gotta suck in the summer. However, along with driving an ectomobile, one of my dreams is to get a stormtrooper costume and go snowboarding or snowmobiling in it.

Our only real competition at the con. But it didn't have flashing lights or an incredible sound system, did it? DID IT? We were offered the chance to park the car inside next year, but even if I still have the car put together by this time next year, I think I enjoyed running the lights and sound too much to leave it as an interior static display.

Fuck! Klingons! At.. Wendys.


Cool picture taken by someone else while we were around the con.

He's must have a great personality, I mean… he's one ugly motherfucker.

We're geeks, we seriously get off on this sort of thing.

Allright, back to what we care about, THE CAR! Check it out. The fire lane can suck it.

I really like this one. Good friends.


*fan service*


Giving an interview on the backstory of the car to a ‘news’ crew. I always make the dumbest faces.


Picture found on the CBS NEWS 4 website.


This is a pretty cool pic, too.

Bidding the convention farewell.

This was technically my first science fiction convention. Unless you're really hardcore into the fandom, there really wasn't that much to do. You could walk around and see TONS of awesome costumes, quite a few completely socially inept people, and if you had a cool costume yourself, you'd get lots of people taking your picture and… you know… blessing their children with your godly powers.

Next up for the Ectomobile, the Denver Hearse Association event May 11-13. Fun!

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

-"Aren't you a little small for a Stormtrooper?"

Some great photos Boomer, looks like you guys had fun at the convention.

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 10 months ago

Cute kid for sure.

Actually, there were at least three VERY short people in stormtrooper armor, and I bet they just die a little inside everytime someone quotes that line to them.


Short bastards.

Shoulda been jawas.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

Looks like it was a lotta fun!

And that kid looks like a bobble head :p

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 10 months ago

Cool video recapping StarFest featuring awesome shots of the ectocar.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for posting, I'll watch it as soon as I finish FvGB :p

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 10 months ago

Yet another video from starfest with snippets of the FCGB interview.

What I am touching is not a cereal bowl… but the red plastic thing behind it IS.

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 9 months ago

So… Zachary Helm… the guy who made Emo Assault Squadron and Zelda: A Pain in My Ass (featured on youtube… watch them, funny AS HELL), is the guy who owns ALEXI, that giant hearse with the batwings, machine guns, red lightbars, and the flame thrower. He also founded the Denver Hearse Association, one of the largest, least stuck-up and old-guy hearse/ambulance clubs in the nation.

Last weekend, downtown Denver played host to HearseCon 2007. Zach had gone to StarFest with us and hosted the Boulder Cemetary easter egg hunt, and he invited us to bring the car down to the event.

Unfortunately due to time and work scheduling constraints, those of us with costumes were either unable to make it, or had to work. I was able to make it down with Logan (the Ecto's electrical engineer… sort of our Lucius Fox) the first night, and I popped over with some college friends the second day.

The 1K in the line-up of hearses. We arrive with the siren and lights on, stepping out of the car and announcing that we were “The Posers.” Come on… hearse vs. wagon, you do the math.

Another angle and another parking space… running lights next to Colfax as spectators inspect.

Parked behind ALEXI at the Denver Diner. This was after a 5-mile procession of 15 hearses down Colfax past the capitol and all the skyscrapers. We were second in line behind the lead car, ALEXI, blasting all sorts of music out of our rack…. Another One Bites the Dust, Demon Speeding, and some NIN.

Chilling out, double-parked on two handicap spaces at the Esquire Theater, prime and ready for the midnight showing of Ghostbusters.

Re-parked in front of the box office on the sidewalk…

And again in front of the theater about 40 minutes before the show.

The midnight movie was a lot of fun. It's really amazing to hear large groups of people laughing at jokes you usually experience by yourself or with a handful of friends in your living room.

As always, the best scene and biggest laugh (my personal favorite scene) was in the elevator with the activation of Rays pack.