Ecto-Glow figure Prices

by RentonGb

21 years, 10 months ago

Yesturday I went to a toy sale and I found two Ecto-Glow Figures, Egon and Louis MOC.
Does anyone know how much they are worth?

by winston18

21 years, 10 months ago

I have most of the ecto glow heroes and got them for between $15-$20 each. That is probably what they are worth but it depends on the condition of the card. Mine have C-10 cards.

by SlayerGhost

21 years, 10 months ago

Yeah i have always wondered that too how much that series is worth because i have egon,peter, and ray in the package in C-10 condition and mine where never released on the shelf to the public(the top chad thing was never punched out-thus never hit the shelf-plus they are perfect) How much would ones like that be worth?

I also have two of those slimed heroes that when they get wet they have a slimed color appeal to the face and chest area(i have winston and louis and used to have ray) I have heard those are worth up to 200 dollars in the package how much are they worth out of the package but with ghosts and packs in good condition???
thanks for this post i have always wondered that
aaron(slayerGhost) :d

by slimerboy

21 years, 10 months ago

ive seen a mib glowcopter and all 5 ecto glow heroes go for 3,000 in a comic shop

by Cosmic-Riptide

21 years, 10 months ago

^ Wow, someone got really ripped off!!! I bought all five figures MOC (cards un-punched) off of Ebay just a few months ago for just around $200 and even then I was paying about double their worth. Mint Ecto-Glow figures on mint cards are only worth around $20. apiece according to the Tomarts RGB price guide (which is only a year or two old).

Rare or not there is no way that the Glow Copter is worth anywhere near $2,900!

by slimerboy

21 years, 10 months ago

i cant be lieve the guy sold it, i went in there 2 weeks after he put it on the self and it was gone

by SlayerGhost

21 years, 10 months ago

Thats where your wrong the glow copter is worth alot of money!!!(i mean it along with the firetruck and Egon's lab is worth a ton)close to 3 grand i imagine. The glow figures arent worth that but the copter definitely is in the 700 to 900 dollar range!

by Cosmic-Riptide

21 years, 10 months ago

To the best of my knowledge Egon's Lab“ and ”the Fire Fighter vehicle“ never made it past the few prototypes that were created.

Since people seem to be able to find boxed versions of the ”Glow Copter" I would think that that would imply that at least one batch of the vehicles were created.

If the vehicle was produced (even at a very limited number) it's value should be absolutely nowhere near the prototype toys, seeing as the prototypes are one of a kind.

I may be wrong though.

by slimerboy

21 years, 10 months ago

when that hollywood heroes guy was on the site he said he sold a firefighter that was painted with stickers and all,even a prototype ray for 6,000 and his egons lab sold on ebay for 500

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 10 months ago

I think some really mean guy taught slayer ghost about prices. Slimed heroes are worth nowhere near 200 moc. They're not really that rare. And the glow copter isn't worth that much either, though it probably is one of the most valuable ones (I'd say a couple hundred).