hey i am talking to hollywood heroes now and hear is his 2 cents on it…Alienpunk1336720: hi
Hheroes007: hello
Alienpunk1336720: i was wondering if you could answer a few ghostbuster questions for me
Alienpunk1336720: to settle an argument on
ghostbusters.net Hheroes007: I will try.
Hheroes007: okay.
Hheroes007: I just picked a large prototype collection
Hheroes007: of GB stuff
Alienpunk1336720: what is the going value for a glow copter
Alienpunk1336720: cool any new stuff we havnt seen yet?
Hheroes007: I have one right now
Alienpunk1336720: sweet
Hheroes007: My last glow copter I sold for $600
Alienpunk1336720: and what is the going value for a ghost nabber
Hheroes007: It came with a hand written letter from the designer, which added value
Alienpunk1336720: ok still no where around what i saw one go for
Hheroes007: what are they saying its worth?
Hheroes007: what did you see one go for?
Alienpunk1336720: i saw one go for 4000 plus it had all 5 ecto glow heroes with it
Hheroes007: Nice.
Hheroes007: Well, you must take into consideration a few things
Alienpunk1336720: and we are trying to decide what the true value is
Alienpunk1336720: ok
Hheroes007: 1. The guy who purchased mine also bought the fiire truck for over $2,000
Hheroes007: 2. I gave him a deal on the copter
Hheroes007: 3. He purchased some ecto glow figures, which were all hand painted protos for $600 each
Alienpunk1336720: oh yeah i brought up the truck i remember hearing about it on the boards a few months ago
Alienpunk1336720: oh
Hheroes007: So, you see, there were a lot of variables
Hheroes007: I sold the Egon's lab
Alienpunk1336720: yeah
Hheroes007: Guess what, I have another one
Alienpunk1336720: for 400?
Alienpunk1336720: sweet how much?
Hheroes007: I have the exact one used at Toy Fair
Alienpunk1336720: wow
Hheroes007: It will come with a letter from the designer
Alienpunk1336720: how do you get all this great stuff
Hheroes007: I mean, THIS IS THE ONE ! The only
Hheroes007: I represent the original designers for the toy line
Alienpunk1336720: oh
Alienpunk1336720: man ure lucky
Hheroes007: I try