Ecto-Glow figure Prices

by Zack

21 years, 10 months ago

Try the link above. I usually see Slimed Heroes for about $20-25 MOC at the most and Ecto Glows $25-30-35 MOC or more or less depending on how much the seller really wants for them and whether they're “by the book” or have no real knowledge about them. I got REALLY good deals on the ones I've found so..yeah 200 each is highway robbery. The original series MOC I've seen most of the time are usually a little more than Ecto Glows. It all depends really.


by slimerboy

21 years, 10 months ago

hey i am talking to hollywood heroes now and hear is his 2 cents on it…Alienpunk1336720: hi

Hheroes007: hello
Alienpunk1336720: i was wondering if you could answer a few ghostbuster questions for me
Alienpunk1336720: to settle an argument on
Hheroes007: I will try.
Hheroes007: okay.
Hheroes007: I just picked a large prototype collection
Hheroes007: of GB stuff
Alienpunk1336720: what is the going value for a glow copter
Alienpunk1336720: cool any new stuff we havnt seen yet?

Hheroes007: I have one right now
Alienpunk1336720: sweet
Hheroes007: My last glow copter I sold for $600
Alienpunk1336720: and what is the going value for a ghost nabber
Hheroes007: It came with a hand written letter from the designer, which added value
Alienpunk1336720: ok still no where around what i saw one go for
Hheroes007: what are they saying its worth?
Hheroes007: what did you see one go for?
Alienpunk1336720: i saw one go for 4000 plus it had all 5 ecto glow heroes with it

Hheroes007: Nice.
Hheroes007: Well, you must take into consideration a few things
Alienpunk1336720: and we are trying to decide what the true value is
Alienpunk1336720: ok
Hheroes007: 1. The guy who purchased mine also bought the fiire truck for over $2,000
Hheroes007: 2. I gave him a deal on the copter
Hheroes007: 3. He purchased some ecto glow figures, which were all hand painted protos for $600 each
Alienpunk1336720: oh yeah i brought up the truck i remember hearing about it on the boards a few months ago
Alienpunk1336720: oh
Hheroes007: So, you see, there were a lot of variables
Hheroes007: I sold the Egon's lab
Alienpunk1336720: yeah
Hheroes007: Guess what, I have another one
Alienpunk1336720: for 400?
Alienpunk1336720: sweet how much?
Hheroes007: I have the exact one used at Toy Fair
Alienpunk1336720: wow
Hheroes007: It will come with a letter from the designer
Alienpunk1336720: how do you get all this great stuff
Hheroes007: I mean, THIS IS THE ONE ! The only
Hheroes007: I represent the original designers for the toy line
Alienpunk1336720: oh
Alienpunk1336720: man ure lucky
Hheroes007: I try

by slimerboy

21 years, 10 months ago

Alienpunk1336720: i heard right when the line died a sedgwick hotel playset was coming out
Alienpunk1336720: was that true?
Hheroes007: I dont know, but I can find out. I know they had a whole line planned for kids
Hheroes007: I mean, dress up sets, with another backpack and a backpack copter
Hheroes007: I have all the artwork for it
Alienpunk1336720: thats awsome , i am so glad i finaly got to talk to you

by Mr.Sandman

21 years, 10 months ago

Wow, talk about a rip off! For you, i mean.

I bought an entire set of all 5 ecto-glow figures, MOC, unpunched, for less than $80 three years ago…man oh man..They've been sitting in a box never to be touched since then…I wish I could find someone to sell them to and make money on the thing…where do you guys think I could sell them for maximum profit?

by slimerboy

21 years, 10 months ago

well uh? this is a hard question…..EBAY!!!

by rgghost

21 years, 10 months ago

(I wish we could see the pic of what they has planned to come out with…………..

by slimerboy

21 years, 10 months ago

he is saposed to send me sum i am curiuos over this backpack copter thingy