Ecto Siren

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Ok, no offense to whoever made that siren but it doesnt sound very good. You can obviously tell that it was pieced together, a defenite thumbs down.

by Fuzzy79

23 years, 1 month ago

Hey nkrtkd I would love it if you could send me that sound wave too.

by nkrtkd

23 years, 1 month ago

no one has sent me it yet

by nkrtkd

23 years, 1 month ago

no one has sent it to me yet

by borzou99

23 years, 1 month ago

i'll try to find one for you smile

by borzou99

23 years ago

ok, i could not find one. but there is one that someone has, a certain webmaster of a ecto-135…if he could get to me that would be great. If anybody could actually provide me with a decent wav of that siren, better. NOTE: i do not want the siren one where it just veers off. I want a continuous five minute one. thank you smile