Ectomobiles (Need feedback)

by river_of_slime

19 years, 4 months ago

Yes I know theres a topic already on my site but this is diffrent. Im in the middle of updating/re doing my site; so i want to hear what the fans want to see. I have some ideas up my sleve but like I said; What do you wanna see?

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 4 months ago

I've been to ur site many times, but I cant remember, do you have fan-made ecto's? Be it just the designs, the actual car, whatever. A fan-made section would kick ass.


19 years, 4 months ago

Learn how to spell scenes. You've had the same error since you started it.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 4 months ago

I've been to ur site many times, but I cant remember, do you have fan-made ecto's? Be it just the designs, the actual car, whatever. A fan-made section would kick ass.

Yea I got fan made Ectos, there under Ecto replicas. I have a few ecto replicas on there.

Learn how to spell scenes. You've had the same error since you started it.

Yea I know and Im in the middle of fixing them as well.

by back

19 years, 4 months ago

its a very thorough site chuck. looks good, but id change the top banner. new designs always catch the eye. and a news section would be nice instead of it sticking out like a soar thumb at the top of the page. Navigation… as simple & informitive of a site it may be perhaps you could also play around with improved navigation now so as it grows in size you dont have to monkey with it then when theres alot more links to cover. just a suggestion.
However, do not change the font for each link (ie: Blueprints). looks pretty cool. you also may want to experiment with new backgrounds. shades of grey, reds, blues, etc… ive tried myself. but ya know somethin, sometimes you just dont mess with a good thing. its up to you. sometimes a banner, wallpaper, fonts, etc are kinda like a sites trademark.
and keep in mind too, your site doesnt have to be Huge to be a good one either! simplicity can be the best of choices at times (ie: ecto1984's old site GBworld). as long as its Informitave, entertaining and comfortable to visit its a-okay in my books. I love the updates though, i love to watch fellow caddy sites grow.
im gone.

PS. as mentioned, Spelling is an issue. people get busy and rushed at times. and if you feel rushed and pressed for time save the document and continue on at a later date to update the site when you minds a little more cleared. grammar and spelling is vital, at times.
however i must confess, at times i do rush, only using ebay's caddy information. :p not always accurate.