EDGE Rips on the Ghostbusters Game.

by GuyCC

16 years, 1 month ago

Article here: http://www.edge-online.com/magazine/ghostbusters-the-video-game?page=0%2C0

I really can't take this “preview” too seriously. The reviewer doesn't seem to be much of a fan of the movies, either, so not really the best source of generating an opinion.

I also think he's forgetting that it's still a work in progress, and there's at least five more months to go become the game's release. A lot can change from now to then.

by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

lmao this is more of a personal grudge towards the busters rather than a true preview, he basically opens it by saying that ramis sucks and zeddemore doesnt do nuffing in the films, lol this dude needs a fist in the mouth of them all the snotty nose pin dik, comee onnn nobody is gunna even read it past the opener so he just wasted writing that, and should be fired cuz this isnt a review its a excuse to slag them off

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

Its not really that big of a rip guys… He compliments plenty of aspects as well. You can't get all up in arms just because the guy doesn't like something about the game.

He compliments Dan's voice acting, and makes jokes about several aspects. He doesn't like the way Ramis did the voice acting, which I can even admit, the trailer had me slightly worried, cuz it sounds so emotionless (though, a lot of the time that's how Egon is supposed to sound).

The guy is probably not the biggest fan of the movies so he doesn't know the characterization quite as well, but to call this a rip is over the top. It is what it is, a very harsh interview that doesn't pull punches.

I would much rather read someone's honest opinion than someone else blowing smoke up our collective asses just to appease us.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 1 month ago

*This guy doesn't come off that way to me…He's just saying that, in his opinion, Harold's voice acting is lacking, it's veering towards “family friendly” with the rating, and the “rookie” could stand to do more in his role, in his opinion


by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

yeah i guess you guys are right, fair play

by ScottSommer

16 years, 1 month ago

I have to say they were a little harsh on things when reviewing.

Egon's character is great in my opinion. Egon is a genius who thinks of things analytically. He is the man with the plan as they say and he is the one who always comes up with the ideas to solve the problem.

Ray is what I call the “Trekkie.” Not that he is a start trek fan, but more like someone who really puts himself into something. He is almost as smart as Egon, but he gets excited over things like this. I love it how he is like a kid when a new ghost comes out. “Wow, it's the grey lady. This is awesome, I wish Venkman was here to see this.” I think that line, paraphrased of course says it all about him. He is kind of like the child on Christmas morning.

Peter is the smart-ass bullshitter….erm in a good way. He is smart, but he is more of “how can I make money doing this” kind of smart. “Well, more overtime” best sums him up. Although he sometimes is a little bit of a hot head when it comes to things, but he doesn't thrash out irrationally. He comes back at you using smart tactics and make you yourself stupid.

Winston is the average joe. Not as smart as Egon or Ray, but smart enough that he can understand the guys when they talk. He is the guy that keeps it real despite all the chaos that goes on. “You know, sometimes I wish we can move away from the traffic.” He also explains things to people in the simple way.

All 4 guys represent every person here. This is why they work good together, this is point I think Edge missed.


16 years, 1 month ago

that guy obviously has only seen half of the first film and probably played 1/3 of a level of the game.

what the hell did he expect Egon to do? do jumping jacks while enthusiastically reciting the periodic table?

Egon's always monotone like that!

as for the rating . My first VHS copy of Ghostbusters was rated G. Not PG Not PG-13 , G.
with smutty jokes , Ghost BJ's , “Shit that'll turn you white” and all unedited. I don't think the rating will hurt the title at all.

And as for the game itself, he wasn't even bashing it , which makes him look stupid for talking crap about the actors when it's really just a stubborn guy admitting that the game is good.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

that guy obviously has only seen half of the first film and probably played 1/3 of a level of the game.

what the hell did he expect Egon to do? do jumping jacks while enthusiastically reciting the periodic table?

Egon's always monotone like that!

as for the rating . My first VHS copy of Ghostbusters was rated G. Not PG Not PG-13 , G.
with smutty jokes , Ghost BJ's , “Shit that'll turn you white” and all unedited. I don't think the rating will hurt the title at all.

And as for the game itself, he wasn't even bashing it , which makes him look stupid for talking crap about the actors when it's really just a stubborn guy admitting that the game is good.

Um… Ghostbusters was never rated G. It was always PG. Unless you got a bootlegged version, or taped it off of TV, it was rated PG.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 1 month ago

Doctor Venkman;134113
Um… Ghostbusters was never rated G. It was always PG. Unless you got a bootlegged version, or taped it off of TV, it was rated PG.
Actually, my VHS copy circa 1986, was also rated G. I remember my mom almost going through the roof from the scene with “dickless” in the Mayor's office. Not exactly what you'd expect from a “G” rated movie, but then again, look what Disney has past off with a G rating.(*peter)

by rockstar232007

16 years, 1 month ago

that guy obviously has only seen half of the first film and probably played 1/3 of a level of the game.

what the hell did he expect Egon to do? do jumping jacks while enthusiastically reciting the periodic table?

Egon's always monotone like that!

as for the rating . My first VHS copy of Ghostbusters was rated G. Not PG Not PG-13 , G.
with smutty jokes , Ghost BJ's , “Shit that'll turn you white” and all unedited. I don't think the rating will hurt the title at all.

And as for the game itself, he wasn't even bashing it , which makes him look stupid for talking crap about the actors when it's really just a stubborn guy admitting that the game is good.
I kinda agree about the VOs, but like I said before, a sound booth is different than a sound stage, where you have the ability to really let loose. All that aside, this game is still going to kick major a**!(*peter)