this will be the best game to hit consoles for a while now, i am looking forward to this game more than i looked forward to GTA: IV, and trust me thats ALOTTTTT,
like i said that preview just seems to be hitting out at the actors, lol egon is amazing, i loved that RAISING THE EYEBROW' thing he did when he thought up a plan and made the dicision to go with it lol brilliant
and true ray is the kid at christmas, but thats what i would be like if i was a ghostbuster, really excited, and venks is just the guy who only cares about getting paid and his woman, so when it comes to ghostbusting he is the COOLEST one, he just gets the job done, and takes the piss out of the ghost while he does it lol brillaint. and winston, like said before, he's the one and most probably the ONLY one, who understands ray and egon lol exellent and this game is gunna rule so hard!!!!!!!!!