eek...i'm watching the campy 60s batman movie.....

by vgirl

23 years, 1 month ago

I still say it rulz, at least they had good costumes, you gotta give 'em that. And I say Adam West was totally cute.

by d_osborn

23 years, 1 month ago

good costumes?? uh… batman'n nose was PAINTED ON THE COWL!! that still cracks me up… now catwoman… that was a GOOD costume… smile

by bigpapi428

23 years, 1 month ago

i can't tell you how many times i watched batman right after rgb finished on fox during the weekdays. the end credits would go off and then you'd hear the theme music start and you knew something good was coming on. na na na na na na na na BATMAN!!!
this of course back in the day so it was w hie ago.
ok bye

by Jim

23 years, 1 month ago

Ectodude, I totally agree, Batman Forever and Batman & Robin were not good. Those were the ones Tim Burton didnt direct. Batman Forever still had some good parts, I think because Burton was still the producer, but Batman & Robin was total rubbish, and by that time Burton had abondoned the franchise. When I read about it, and I read that one of the villains was Bane (in the comic, Bane was a serial killing psychopath, who has come the closest to killing Batman and broke Batman's back, turning him into a paraplegic)), I thought cool, maybe it will be a return to the darker Batman, but 2 mins into the movie when Batman and Robin sprung ice skates out of their boots (wtf?), I knew it was going to be downhil from their. It really was just like the old 66 movie with a bigger budget.

by Ectodude

23 years, 1 month ago

see, unlike the others, Batman and Robin totally abandoned the laws of gravity, physics, biology, and tampered with common sense.

i mean, when robin and batgirl fall off the observitory, theyre in an upright position as they fell. i know for a fact, youre either suppose to tumble, or at least fall head first, while struggling to see the ground underneath you.

how does the physics of Mr. Freeze's freeze gun suppose to work? the only way i could think how to do it, is liquid nitrogen. instead, theyre “dimond-enhanced lasers” teh whole thing has left me at a loss.

how is it possible to mutate someones genetic code of that of plants? plants dont really have a genetic code. if it got anymore weird, Poison Ivy would be Swamp Thing's girlfriend. (damn-near to that point, too)

now, let me ask you something… if you killed a girl with toxic chemicals, get burned into the ground, and then come back from the dead… would you kiss her? this Woodrue guy is a moron. i mean, nut cases are intellignet, but is this guy an exception? i mean, if it was me, id try to kill her again!

see, this movie was based more on cool props, and not of a story line to in which suggests an intellegent throry of how the sh!t works. unlike Ghostbusters, we have no idea how all this stuff comes into play. its was just there, most in which had no logical use in the first place.

by vgirl

23 years, 1 month ago

Nit-nit-nit….OY! I say good costumes and I did see the old Batman serial, classic TV- I love cable!

by DocEggman

23 years, 1 month ago

I'd venture to say that old Batman movie/series captured the feel of the Golden Age Batman quite well. After all, Batman didn't start being the “Dark Knight” we know today until after Frank Miller revolutionized our view of Batman as a hero (and our view of comic heroes as a whole) in the mid-1980's.

by d_osborn

23 years, 1 month ago

i have to disagree. the “golden” age of batman was WAY before the 60's show. i just bought one of the old batman movie serials off ebay. i saw it when i was younger, but lost it. i love these things. batman was VERY dark when he first appeared in comics. correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't he KILL people?? it went to camp in the 60's. i think it started to town down in the 70's, and went back to the good stuff in the 80's smile anyway, if you haven't seen the old serials, you need to check them out. pretty cool stuff.

by Jim

23 years, 1 month ago

Doc Eggman, I have to disagree. The very first Batman (or ‘The Batman’ as he was then called) comic way back in the forties showed Batman pick up a defeated criminal and throw him to his death off of the roof of a high rise building. He started off dark from the beginning. In those early days, Batman was probably at his darkest.
Many Batman stories over the years have questioned Batmans sanity. That was kind of explored in the movie ‘Batman’, where Vicki Vale says people think Batman is as bad as the joker, to which he replies ‘he’s psychopathic', and Vicki replies ‘Some people think you are too’. The movie I think also showed alot of the sadistic behaviour of the original Batman. Such as when the two criminals at the start are talking about how Batman threw another criminal off a building ('They say there wasnt any blood on the body!' ‘No sh*t, it was all over the pavement!’). Also in ‘Batman Returns’ when Batman ties a explosive to the strongman, and smiles as he pushes him into the sewer then casually walks away as he explodes.

by DocEggman

23 years, 1 month ago

Come on. For quite some time, Batman was a pretty light-hearted comic. I mean, he would face the likes of dinosaurs, giant gorillas all with a wide grin. Just check out