Effect of upcoming video game on fan fiction?

by Gildir

17 years ago

Given that the upcoming video game will introduce a fifth Ghostbuster who, depending on the design of the game, could possibly be virtually anyone of any gender, race or appearance, do the Ghostheads on this board think the game will lead to an upsurge in Mary Sue/Gary Stu stories legitimized by the character supposedly being the player character from the game?

by pantshater24

17 years ago

possibly, though i could see many more people just keeping the “traditional” four or the extreme team. but it would be interesting to read at least one or two with our “new recruit”

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Steps are already underway to make sure the Omnibus Timeline based fics aren'y disrupted in the long run by the new game. But yours is a valid concern… thankfully the Mary Sues and Gary Stus here have pretty much died out, but I don't know how active they still are over at places like fanfiction.net.

by newrecruit1

17 years ago

Given that the upcoming video game will introduce a fifth Ghostbuster who, depending on the design of the game, could possibly be virtually anyone of any gender, race or appearance

Oh by all what's holy, don't speak like that… I see Umaga or The Great Khali… even Paris Hilton as the fifth Ghostbusters :-O :-O :-O :-)

by OniellFord

17 years ago

If the New Recruit could be anyone, then that means Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Freddy Mercury and/or Kirstie Alley could be the new recruit! (*_*)

Can you say “DOOMED”? :-O :p

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Or… shudder.

Ben Stiller. (*egon)

by OniellFord

17 years ago

Yeah, I heard somewhere that they were considering Ben Stiller to replace Bill Murray/Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters 3/Ghostbusters Go To Hell.

I hope you get to costumize your character in the Video Game and have people refer to you by name not “You” or “That guy” or some lame excuse.

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

have people refer to you by name not “You” or “That guy”
unless its done in text…that would actually be alot harder to do than you might think.

Though they could do the trick that Mass Effect did to get around that, where the characters lastname is set in stone, but the first name could be changed. All the characters would refer to you by your lastname to bypass that little problem.

by DocFritz

17 years ago

Given that the upcoming video game will introduce a fifth Ghostbuster who, depending on the design of the game, could possibly be virtually anyone of any gender, race or appearance, do the Ghostheads on this board think the game will lead to an upsurge in Mary Sue/Gary Stu stories legitimized by the character supposedly being the player character from the game?

Believe me, I got a sharp, shooting pain in my temple when I first heard about the Fifth Ghostbuster, which immediately processed in my brain as “Marty Stu/Mary Sue Factory In The Making”.

Steps are already underway to make sure the Omnibus Timeline based fics aren'y disrupted in the long run by the new game. But yours is a valid concern… thankfully the Mary Sues and Gary Stus here have pretty much died out, but I don't know how active they still are over at places like fanfiction.net.

Well, part of that is, Ghostbusters isn't, on the whole, a really “hot” property right now. We love it. We form a passionate fan base…but without a “big” event for several years (2004 or 1997 or 1989, depending on your definition of “big”) it's not one that is being flooded with thirteen year old fanbrats.

Honestly, one of my big fears is that, if this game is a huge hit, they'll find us. Five years ago, Doctor Who was in about the same position we are…a long-established fanbase to a property that was, in official terms, pretty dormant.

Then the show was brought back, the aforementioned thirteen year old fanbrats discovered it, and suddenly the DW section of FFN is flooded with craptacular fan fiction with the Doctor wangsting over Rose or having buttsecks with the Master.

Yeah, I'm afraid of that. Afraid of another flood of “Egon falls in love with Mary Sue six seconds after he sees her” and “Egon and Peter have teh buttsecks” stories.

(Or, another way, afraid of stories just like this but taking themselves seriously)

I'm not letting any of that shit into MY corner of the internet, but it's a big internet. Everybody should thus consider themselves warned. (*_*)

by OniellFord

17 years ago

I agree. All of that has made Doctor Who look bad and for really stupid kids. Ghostbusters CANNOT and WILL NOT become that.

I just pray that we can drive the thirteen year olds away from the site.