Effect of upcoming video game on fan fiction?

by eatingfood1

17 years ago

what if they dont F**k up real good? If they'll be a good little ghost head, shouldnt we give them a fare shake?

by DocFritz

17 years ago

True. If they don't act stupid, they're okay. If they act stupid, but respond positively when you try to help them act less stupid, that's also okay.

It'll be the ones who scream "MY GR8 CARACTER IS NOT A MARYSUE!!! U R JUST JELUS OF HER 4 MY GR8 RITIN!!!!!1111one111!" that we will need to watch out for.

by OniellFord

17 years ago

I totally agree with you on that. The way they type is just awful. Its like I am reading a baby type on the Computer :@