EGB movie instead of gb3 or even...a combination?

by fat_boz

21 years, 7 months ago

I thought about this and maybe the third movie should be a egb gb3 combo…..

like how the extreme gbs were hired?… the film could be mainly the original busters and the new recruits (eduardo, roland,garret, and kylie) and then somehow finish with the main busters (venky, ray and wnston) leaving to do whatever they supposedly did in the cartoon.. and leave it at the point where the cartoon leaves off? just an idea…..

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

Possibly. But you have to remember that most ghostheads dont like extreme ghostbusters, but if the movie is done well it could work.

by spengs1

21 years, 7 months ago

Remember too, its all about the benjis. Did EGB make Sony money? If it was profitable and they were considering to make GB III, then it could be possible. Its all about the dollar, even Dan Aykroyd talked about that in one reason why GB III wasn't going to be made.

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

Thats a good point.

by exorcist313

21 years, 7 months ago

if they do make it based on that then mabey peeps will fall in love with EGB and they will bring it back on TV (in america).

Tell him Steve-Dave!

by stayinpuft1

21 years, 7 months ago

I have a kickass GB3 idea.. Sadly it will never make it to paper….

by Killackee

21 years, 7 months ago

I've only seen three episodes (in microscope format on GBN, though) of EGB (at least, I don't think it ever got to the screen in The Netherlands), and I must say, I really like the artwork and I really like the concept. If a GBIII were to be made (with indeed an older looking original cast) Dan & Harold should use the EGB concept, preferably with the same characters as in EGB, since I thought they were definitely better than those weirdos in that script of Dan's everybody had been talking about. I dunno make a blended version of the first EGB episode and that episode where the RGB come in. It should make a good story, turned into a film it could be really good I think. And a mix of two stories needn't be that bad. If you take the Asterix comic films, most of them (apart from the first two and the 12-works one) are made up of two original storylines from the comic books mixed together and turned into one. These films are great as well!
Anyway, if this thread had a poll: I'd say YES to GBIII based on EGB.

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago


by egbfan

21 years, 6 months ago

I am not as biased as my screen name may suggest, but I do think that this is the only way a GB3 movie would be… well, any good. Sorry. I just can't see anyone taking to an entirely new team a second time - especially when you consider that we who took to the EGBs are a minority - and the original cast with grey hair and wrinkles would be very unoriginal and probably pretty dull.

I do like the concept of an EGB movie (as some of you may already know), but I'm afraid I'm one of those who don't believe it's ever going to happen. If they were going to make that movie, they should have made it ages ago and released it in 1998 shortly after the cartoon.

by Ludicris

21 years, 6 months ago

The only thing is that if it were made, many of the ghostbuster fans would not see it due to their strong hatred for the extreme ghostbusters, so it might not draw the original fans and if no one is hyped up about it, there would be no “pep talk” about it to others who maybe havent seen ghostbusters and will in suit not see it. I dont know if Im making sense but Im trying