EGB story.

by eatingfood1

17 years, 1 month ago

I am a write story's. thats my craft. any who, I plan on writing a screen play for my own Extreme Ghostbusters screen play. Heres how it'll work. you look at a full moon, right? some of yinz could remember the old kid's song ‘Oh MR. Moona-man?’ with my imagination, the ‘face’ on the moon, looks like a face moaning in pain, with cuts on the cheeck. the ‘moona-man’ is rely a Demon god. the moon its self is an anchente portal into our world. this moon themed demon dissapears, a cresent shadow go's over him. when he gets you, he takes ur soul, or your will 2 live. it isnt on paper yet, so is still in the works. besides my bad spelling, how's that idea sound???

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

Please tell me more.

by eatingfood1

17 years, 1 month ago

It might be a new origin story of the EBG. like i said, it's still working it self out in my mind's eye. with a little comedey, and more horror will be in it as well. any one's 2 cents would have my thanks

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

Just keep posting!

by eatingfood1

17 years ago

it's another consept. this one has little, to no plot. i just think it would be cool to see on a picture. Imagine this: Real/Extreme Ghostbusters, and Justice League cross-over. Plot: After a surge of Paranormal Activity In Matropilis, Superman calls The Justice League for help. Even with the aid of many League members with magic based powers, the Paranormal epidemic gets worse. Lois Lane, Clark Kent's Wife, tells Superman about a group of People in New York called the Ghostbusters. Having Matroplis at the brink of a ghostly melt-down, the League calls opon the aid of the Extreme Ghostbusters. Observing the Level of Paranormal activity, Egon Spangler Calls in Ray Peter and Winston. They all later find out that Lex Louthor has formed an alince with Ra's Al Gual, in an attempt to bargin with deamons for Super Natral powers. Can the Real, and Extreme Ghostbusters, and the Justice League Save the worl from being torn apart??

*Whew* Loose plot, I know. as always, sorry about the bad spelling, and your 2 cents will be praised.

by Kingpin

17 years ago


Lex Luthor
Ra's al Ghul

Sorry, I'm a stickler for accuracy where possible. Sounds interesting… not really a big Justice League follower myself, but don't let me stop you.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Wait, Ra's al Ghul? Talk about crossing over.

by eatingfood1

17 years ago

Any one have any title ideas for both of my story ideas?? (*egon)

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 10 months ago

Yo eatingfood1, how about you and I collaborate on a fan fic, my co author sucks monkeys throw a weak sauce straw. I have to post mine tonight be up in a few hrs. see what you think.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 10 months ago

Yo eatingfood1, how about you and I collaborate on a fan fic, my co author sucks monkeys throw a weak sauce straw. I have to post mine tonight be up in a few hrs. see what you think.

I'd like that. let's compare notes. I'd like a fellow ghosthead to see what i got so far. i got writers block on the story in my text banner.