EGB story.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 9 months ago

i am still on mine. total rewrite what about you?

by boholbrook1

16 years, 9 months ago

This is quite possibly one of the worst ideas i've ever heard about. Please don't do it. I'll pay you to not do this.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 9 months ago

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:07 am Post subject:
This is quite possibly one of the worst ideas i've ever heard about. Please don't do it. I'll pay you to not do this
What do you mean? are you talking about MY stuff??????? tell me

by boholbrook1

16 years, 9 months ago

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:07 am Post subject:
This is quite possibly one of the worst ideas i've ever heard about. Please don't do it. I'll pay you to not do this
What do you mean? are you talking about MY stuff??????? tell me

Yeah dude, your idea is terrible. I know that crossing over Justice League and Ghostbusters sounds like a “Really Cool” idea. But for the love of god, don't do it. It's horrible and just reflects badly upon you as a writer. If you want to work on your writing talents, look at Fritz's timeline and try to wrap your stories around the continuity he has established. Don't just throw the Justice League in there, it's dumb and makes NO SENSE whatsoever. There's so many logic flaws with crossing Justice League with Ghostbusters. Just don't do it man.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 9 months ago

First off, It's not ment to go on the time line. it's a "WHAT IF??' story. An imaginary tale, if you will. Seconly, I happan to be an awsome writer. The Justice League is NOT just ‘thrown in’ Lastly, what makes you think I'd put my work just to rest just because you said? It Will make sense. You wount like me when i'm mad.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 9 months ago

First off, It's not ment to go on the time line. it's a "WHAT IF??' story. An imaginary tale, if you will. Seconly, I happan to be an awsome writer. The Justice League is NOT just ‘thrown in’ Lastly, what makes you think I'd put my work just to rest just because you said? It Will make sense. You wount like me when i'm mad.
YEAH “EA-TING-FOOD!!” “EA-TING-FOOD!!” “EA-TING-FOOD!!” “EA-TING-FOOD!!” YEAH!!!!!! (the crow is cheering you on.) i think he is just concerned that you may not do the JLA and the GB “Justice” (all puns intended) which i admit i am afraid of, but you have proven yourself as a writer, post your work i say and i will be more than glad to take a look at it if you don't mind. also i would like to say i am not taking sides it is scary, but resident evil has crossed over with GB, but Real GB was a marvel comic and if you watch the show they make a few marvel U references. but i do remember Kryptonite mentioned in “Drool the Dog faced Goblin” so have at it.

by Kingpin

16 years, 9 months ago

I'm not sure how being published by Marvel comics meant it could be tied into the Marvel Universe… and the undead, and mutated monsters are a bit different to caped crusaders. The reference of Kryptonite, for example, was just a pop culture reference… Like Venkman referencing Howard the Duck. And Kryptonite's a DC universe reference, not Marvel.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

A reference doesn't mean it ties in. It just means it's a reference.

by DocFritz

16 years, 9 months ago

I think the main “problem” with doing a GB/JLA crossover is this:

In a universe which has Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and mystic types like Zatanna, Dr. Fate and Etrigan the Demon (and that's just from the JLA cartoons; you broaden the definition of “DC Universe” wide enough you can throw in the Spectre, Swamp Thing, and John Constantine)…who would need four guys with proton packs? Nobody in the JLA would notice a 112 foot marshmallow man stomping around Manhattan?

If you can, pardon the phrase, do justice to that quandry, the story just might be good.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

Seconly, I happan to be an awsome writer.

Well, first that can really be a matter of opinion. Have you really shown us something where we can truthly say makes you an awsome writer? Second, most “awsome” writers don't have spelling mistakes in every sentence. :p

I honestly don't see how you could work something like this, and have it intresting. Although now, it seems the big thing is cross overs, since we've had so many one-shot or mini-series cross overs recently. Freddy VS Jason VS Ash, Army of Darkness VS Reanimator, all comics but you get the idea.

And like Fritz says, why would you need four guys in Proton Packs if you've got Super Heroes with different powers flying around the world? They're both different Universes. Kind of reminds me of the guy who tried to crossover Sonic with Ghostbusters.

But, I gotta say, you've got a lot of kinks to work out in order for this to work properly.