16 years, 9 months ago
16 years, 9 months ago
Technically that should be “You are” rather than “your”, Bo does not own “rude”.
16 years, 9 months ago
16 years, 9 months ago
Its safe to say i dont like you. your just a bully.
16 years, 9 months ago
Look, man, i'm just trying to let you know what you're planning on doing isn't good and nobody is going to take it seriously. What you're doing isn't even something that's good to hone your skills on. Cliff Roswell has been writing for years and he's still doing what you're doing, asinine crossovers that make no sense, and nobody takes his work seriously. He's a running gag amongst the real writers.I dont want YOUR help! All my life I'd have Bullies trying to ‘help’. If my Ideas upset you so much, than butt out. It's MY idea, not yours.
I'm trying to offer you helpful advice. Just write a story about the EGB's doing something. Leave Justice League out of it.
16 years, 9 months ago
16 years, 9 months ago
16 years, 9 months ago
16 years, 9 months ago
16 years, 9 months ago
I dont want YOUR help! All my life I'd have Bullies trying to ‘help’. If my Ideas upset you so much, than butt out. It's MY idea, not yours.
I think Bo is being perfectly reasonable (for Bo), he's voicing his opinion on the story, and offering some ideas on how he thinks you can make it better, (fair enough, it's in Bo's own special way). Thats what creative criticism is. I've seen much harsher crits on this board, and from people with a far less established body of work then Bo's. And to be honest, this is a fairly tame tounge lashing from Bo.
Eatingfood, has unfortunately taken the critisism in competely the wrong way, instead of doing the polite/easy thing and saying something like “Thank you, I appreciate your ideas and comments on my project”. Because after all, It doesn't matter if he actually takes Bo's advice or not. Currently, we're in the long drawn out drama of EF try to explain and defend his idea, and as we've seen in this community many, many, many times. It will end only in tears.
But really, what did Eatingfood expect from this topic? With nothing other then a concept, not everyone is going to be completely convinced this story can be pulled off in a mature, entertaining way. And of course, not everyone is going to be in love with the idea.
In complete retrospect, perhaps Eatingfood should have held off from making this topic untill he had at least a first draft done, then he could have let the story speak for itself. Perhaps this should be a new rule for fan fiction, I can't remember how many times I've seen people come here and post concepts for fan fics that are never finished. Coming up with a concept is easy, finding a way to turn that concept into an entertaining story is a completely different, and extremely harder matter all together.
Just some thoughts.