EGB story.

by Kingpin

16 years, 9 months ago

I can't add anything that Rich hasn't already said… he's summed up the positives and negatives eloquently.

For the record, the topic doesn't need locking… it's by no means as wild as some of the ones I and others have locked in the past… heck, this barely even qualifies as a ‘argument’ by community standards.

eatingfood, I'd suggest taking Rich's comments to heart. Fanfic readers, and fellow writers will critique your story, if Bo hadn't someone else surely would've. Take the criticism as constructive and as an attempt to help you craft a better story, there's no need to drag your own painful memories into something.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

To clarify my stance for locking. The forums I have mod in the past, I prefer to be proactive then reactive…preferring to lock potential threads when they reach a certain admittedly low threshold then wait till they become a full blown war before locking them. Granted this “Big Brother” style of forum censorship as it has been referred to has gotten me into some hot water in the past but its all worked out in the end. Preventing many people I have respected, thought as friends or family even from creating an asinine display in a public venue.

Each community has different standards involving what exactly dictates a thread as “getting out of hand.” Granted I have not been within this particular community long enough to judge this; I was just throwing my 2 cents in and hope they didn't get rammed down my throat.

Old habits die hard and so does Bruce Willis

by misfit1

16 years, 9 months ago

Don't worry, James. A majority of us have been floating around this community for about 10 years, we've seen, heard, and done it all. Stuff like this isn't even worth sweating over.

by zack1

16 years, 9 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I beg to differ, I believe I DO own rude.

haha he's got a point there. He's damn near cornered the market on it. I haven't checked the dictionary recently but likely there's a picture of Bo next to the entry for “rude” :-)

by eatingfood1

16 years, 9 months ago

I know to expect critisism, and i know my spelling sucks. I dont need ‘sugar’ on ppls thoughts. i just thought it was weird to bring up a long dead post, and say, ‘I’ll pay you not to do this.'

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

I dont need ‘sugar’ on ppls thoughts.

Well it certainly seemed that way after your reaction with Bo. Whatever, that doesn't matter. You still haven't given us any insight on your plot.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 9 months ago

I will.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 9 months ago

I know to expect critisism, and i know my spelling sucks. I dont need ‘sugar’ on ppls thoughts. i just thought it was weird to bring up a long dead post, and say, ‘I’ll pay you not to do this.'

My offer still stands, I will pay you not to write this story.

by hutch2426

16 years, 9 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I know to expect critisism, and i know my spelling sucks. I dont need ‘sugar’ on ppls thoughts. i just thought it was weird to bring up a long dead post, and say, ‘I’ll pay you not to do this.'

My offer still stands, I will pay you not to write this story.

Ill write a story and you can pay me too, tubby….

by boholbrook1

16 years, 9 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I know to expect critisism, and i know my spelling sucks. I dont need ‘sugar’ on ppls thoughts. i just thought it was weird to bring up a long dead post, and say, ‘I’ll pay you not to do this.'

My offer still stands, I will pay you not to write this story.

Ill write a story and you can pay me too, tubby….
