by Yehome

15 years, 2 months ago

My p.o.v is exactly what Ben said in #6

Come on… “Flip Side” itself is the reason why RGB is better.

by Nix

15 years, 2 months ago

Filmations Ghostbusters was better than egb or rbg. C'mon they had a freakin monkey for a ghostbuster. Sweet.

I see what you did there.

They had Futura as well. Mmmm…

by imported_Ghoulishfright

15 years, 2 months ago

This thread is pretty ridiculous. Okay, lemme break it down IMO…

Where XGB is better than RGB:

-Generally, though not always, darker atmosphere or “look”
-Generally, though not always, more visually grotesque and frightening spooks/creatures

Where RGB is better than XGB:

-Far superior characters ((*peter)(*ray)(*egon)(*winston))
-Far superior music (Shuki Levy and Tahiti)
-Far superior equipment, both aesthetically and practically (no “proton canisters” here)
-Better voice acting (even LaMarche did better on RGB despite playing same character)
-Better writing
-Better story concepts
-Better villains
-More thought provoking
-Far superior merchandising, if that counts
-Et cetera

….need I continue?

by slimer3881

15 years, 2 months ago

RGB is the superior show, it kept the upbeat goofball spooky fun of Ghostbusters, while XGB took it into a gritty more dark turn, which it didnt feel like GB at all, it was a good show, it just didnt have that comedic spark that makes GB appealing, it had some dry and witty lines here and there but it was overall a very dark show.

I'd say RGB takes the cake, better lines, better stories, it just felt like genuine Ghostbusters. While XGB, tries to make things too different taking away what made it great. i still love XGB though, but i like my Ghostbusting with a bit more humor, the way it should be.

by GB3

15 years, 2 months ago

IMO I liked both shows, its to the point I couldn't even put up my vote on the poll. I almost don't even understand why the indifference of “favourite” between the 2 GB cartoons. But I would give a nod to RGB slightly. One show is the original and the other is its sequel. They're different in how they went about in terms of execution, but they still have the same concepts. I'm baffled about the Maurice LaMarche voicing the two shows being even a difference to someone elses opinion. Everyone ages and I think how Egon was written in EXGB maybe why someone would feel like this about Lamarche's voice. Shows from two different eras will always look and feel different. Its like the old british show from the ‘60’s The Avengers, it had a sequel show The New Avengers and the same indifference of opinions from its fans seems to apply here with RGB & EXGB. The old and current Doctor Who series is the same thing. Thats the same with the two GB movies as well. I guess we all like what we like or not.

by 9sam11

15 years, 2 months ago

Yea, I think both are really good shows, but maybe some opinions (on both sides) are jaded a little by when they grew up and which show they watched when they where younger. Nostalgia seems to account for like 50% of the enjoyment of watching these old cartoons.

And since the 90's kids are probly pretty outnumbered here in the GB fan base, makes sense EGB is often tossed to the side and looked down on.

It's that nostalgia and mentality that the old is always better then the new.

So i think we pretty much figured it out.

Filmations really IS the best cartoon.

Case closed.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 2 months ago

The pet monkey is soooooo awesome…

so much cooler than Slimer!


by Kingpin

15 years, 2 months ago

Nostalgia seems to account for like 50% of the enjoyment of watching these old cartoons.

Nostalgia? Rubbish, RGB is not viewed as being better solely on people's nostalgia of it, it genuinely was a better show across the board in its prime.

by Cosmic-Riptide

15 years, 2 months ago

It's that nostalgia and mentality that the old is always better then the new.

Actually, it's probably more of a length issue.

RGB ran long enough to have a lot of highs and a lot of lows. The series also slowly morphed over time which most likely (regardless of opinions) made it appeal to a much wider audience overall.

That is to say, for better or for worse, over it's entire run there was a little something for everyone.

EGB was very short lived by comparison. It never really reached a point were it really shined, and it's lows were too close together (overall) to be as easily forgiven.

As far as opinions go, I like EGB but there's a lot to the series that really REALLY irks me.

I think this is something we can all get behind.

I disagree 100%.(*winston)

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 2 months ago

No matter what people are going to have their opinions one way or the other

personally, I enjoyed both.

They both have their highs & lows