I recently officially watched every single episode of EGB, as most of them are featured on Youtube, so I finally sat down and really gave it a chance, whereas back in the day I was far too biased to do it.
I'll give it this: it definitely had its moments, and decent stories from time to time.
That said…
The animation was flat-out awful; to be fair, most of the animated shows at this time had craptastic animation, but unfortunately, RGB completely overshadows it in this area. And hey, RGB never had to have some ridiculous flickering effect when they were firing their beams…it really gives ya the impression that they were doing anything possible to make it look better than it was. And the drawing was an abomination, too.
The music wasn't very good either.
While the Extreme Ghostbusters themselves have indeed grown on me over time…they just don't have…the “attitude” of Ghostbusters; they're like annoying punk kids.
In fact, I was having a heated argument with a fellow fan online about it 10 years ago, regarding “Back in the Saddle”, citing that not even the Real Ghostbusters seem to take them seriously, specifically showing a picture of Ray looking at them with his eyes rolled.
The other fan said to me “that was because something went wrong with the meter” or something or other…
No….they just didn't take them seriously; they thought they were rank amateurs; and I fully agree. In fact, while Garrett did grow on me with his “go get ‘em” attitude, all the Ghostbusters seemed to look at him like he was nuts whenever he shouted phrases more idiotic than Ray ever did.
The show also didn’t have very mature plots like RGB had. I'm not saying all the episodes of RGB had better plots, but even JMS has said in the past that he wanted RGB to be a show people could “grow up with”; you could enjoy it as a kid, and find it even more enjoyable as an adult, picking up on things you didn't before.
EGB regrettably just doesn't have that quality to it. I was able to enjoy it cause I enjoy kids shows to this day…and also cause it's Ghostbusters. But otherwise, I'd just shrug and shake my head in disappointment over it.
I mean..Sony didn't even seem too motivated in promoting it. What…Taco Bell got a few exclusives, some figures were made, GARRETT GOT LEFT OUT, a few videos were thrown on shelves, and that was it? I can only imagine how the meeting in the board room went:
“You want to do an Extreme version of Ghostbusters?”
“Yes, that's right”
{snicker}…..“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHA OH GOD I NEEDED THAT! That was great, so ridiculous…but *ahem*..look, here's 5 bucks, see what you can do”