Egon and slimer Action Figure

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't understand how you can guarantee that you will get them at the SDCC, first of all. And second of all, its been announced that they will be available on shortly after the Con.


15 years, 8 months ago

idk either im gonna wait till mattycollector has them online.

by charmyer

15 years, 8 months ago

Here we go again with the good doctor criticizing someone else. What a great guy. I think you might be the doctor of bullshit. Go find a hobby.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

Here we go again with the good doctor criticizing someone else. What a great guy. I think you might be the doctor of bullshit. Go find a hobby.

You're out of order.

Dan's comments about guaranteeing the figures are sound, as is the fact that from what we've been told, the figures will be available on Mattel's site after the convention.

He may have disagreed with you in regards to your Egon figure auction but that does not give you the right to say he's “the doctor of bullshit”.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Especially considering I've openly talked about how excellent my purchase from GBSUFF11 went earlier this month. He's a great seller, albeit anxious sometimes, and I am trying to help guide him a bit in his sales.

You're attempt to bait me will not work, charmyer. You're criticism was correct, and deserved, as has been evidenced by the support of my criticism in your thread.

Please do not derail other threads because you disagree with my criticism of you.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I could be rather wrong on this since I haven't looked in some time, but isn't putting an auction up on Ebay for something you do not physically have on your person against their TOS?

by aaron1

15 years, 8 months ago

So I have a question, is this gonna be the only Egon figure? Or is he just an excusive and another Egon will be released down the road with the rest of the crew?

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

im betting we will se another down the road, thats what mattel is known for, reusing figures over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over……..

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Its a slimed variant. There will be a regular Egon.