Egon Artwork To Be Revealed TODAY (5/21/03) @ 6PM EST

by Vinny

21 years, 9 months ago

When I first saw the picture of Egon I thought it was Louis :d Oh well, I guess the look will grow on me.

by EgonSpengler

21 years, 9 months ago

Oh yeah!

Man, I wish I looked as good as Egon does! He's sweet!

by crazymrtibbs

21 years, 9 months ago

yea egon looks funny, his head is maybe to small

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 9 months ago

Oh my God! It's Harold Lloyd! LOL. I like his new look, gangly and nerdy to the max!

by Pareto

21 years, 9 months ago

I don't like it. I can't quite place my finger on it, but I don't like it.

Maybe it's the blue eyes… maybe it's the athletic pose… but it doesn't work for me.

by BoHolbrook

21 years, 9 months ago

Pareto, No offense to you as a person man. But after reading your post about the GB's smoking and this one currently about Egon, i'm beginning to think you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

Funny, I'm starting to think the same thing about you.

And here I always thought that one of the defining things about fanfic was being able to take characters that someone else wrote first, and tell your own stories with them. Though admittedly, that's why I don't usually write fanfic…I like my ideas to just be mine.

I certainly know that just because I think something, doesn't mean that everyone else should too. Hell, I'm much more satisfied if I make something that maybe not everyone likes to start off with, but the more they get into it, the more they “get into it”. Flexibility isn't exactly your strong suit, is it?

by VincentBelmont

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey, let's keep some peace here. |

Anyhoo, is it just me, or does Egon look like Milo from Disney's “Atlantis?”

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok, guys cool it for a moment. Every member has their right to express their opinions in this matter. Personally, I think they look excellent from my point of view.

by RobertKnippels

21 years, 9 months ago

Egon looks great. He looks like a little younger version of Harold Ramis. Can't wait to see Pete Venkman.


