Egon Artwork To Be Revealed TODAY (5/21/03) @ 6PM EST

by cowboyspike

21 years, 9 months ago

I dunno about Egon's new look. He doesn't look like a “nerd.” More like some GQ model

by KWilliams

21 years, 9 months ago


Whenever I've done fanfic, I've always done it such that it could correlate with what I was writing about somehow; to maintain the continuity of the original story.

Egon. Wow! I REALLY like the new look of the character.

Rock on, 88MPH!!!! That's how fast I'll be driving out to get my comics!!!!!


by BoHolbrook

21 years, 9 months ago

I'm so sick and tired of people saying “It's a matter of opinion, Just because they have a different opinion doesn't mean they're wrong” Thats bullshit in it's purest form right there. Just because you have a friggin' opinion doesn't mean it's right. Thats stupid. Think about it.

If I were to say to you “You know, I'm of the opinion that dogs jump like frogs and have wings and when they flap they make a sound likme a gorilla in the jungle” would you actually sit there and tell me “Well, Thats your opinion Bo. I respect it, Dogs may be like that” Hell no you wouldn't you'd call me crazy thats what you do. Now is the case as well.

Just because it's your opinion doesn't make it right. Saying you don't like the way Egon or any of the other GB's look now for the comic is stupid. It's stupid in the fact that this art looks great compared to what they showed you a few months ago. It's also stupid in the fact that this time last year there was NO Ghostbusters related things to look forward of this magnitude and yet some of you still have the giant sized ego to complain about the way the art looks. Just be grateful you're getting something like this about Ghostbusters for gods sake and quit nitpicking every little thing.

Egon looks great, Winston looks great, Ray looks great and Venkman will assuredly look great when he's shown. If you don't think these things to be true then you're obviously mentally impared in a way thats not obviously apparrent to those around you because you should be in a institution by now if they would have caught onto it.

Of course thats just my OPINION. I COULD BE WRONG.

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

Okay…so there might be some things people don't like about the case studies, but can we keep those to ourselves, even I'm starting to grow a little tired of the negative comments.

Remember, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

by missjanine

21 years, 9 months ago

Exactly! *cringes in the corner, whimpering* I'll be here tonight waiting for Peter. So what if it makes me a couple minutes late for work! I'll just drive faster.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

i like Egon but its his specs there funny looking!

by Lion-O

21 years, 9 months ago

Yeah he looks kool but his glasses are too thick…..when is the pictures of Peter coming i cant wait to see him!!!

by DarkLotus

21 years, 9 months ago

You know, when you say something stupid you say something stupid….

Its not a mnatter of opinion when your dealing with facts. It's a fact that Dogs dont jump like frogs, It isn't a fact that these pictures look cool. If it is someones opinion, they are entitled to it RIGHT or WRONG. Deal with it and stop complaining.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 9 months ago

Enough with the cigarettes already! If they smoke, whatever. If not, whatever! They're still the badass GBs we love, are they not? *sprays everyone in topic with positive mood slime* :d

by GBZone

21 years, 9 months ago

You know, I think Bo just made more paradoxes and conflicting statements than a 7th season Voyager episode. Just pick one with a Holodeck or time travel. (Oh, especially the one where the holograms shot out their own safety protocols. Don't even get me started on THAT episode) I mean you say other people's opinions don't matter, then you state your own as if yours do, then you say others are wrong and your opinions are right, but people who say they're right are wrong save for you because you're you, finally at the end you sarcastically close by saying you might be wrong, showing you do feel you're right, once more contradicting your claim that people shouldn't say they are right just because they feel they are. :: shakes head:: Wh wha whaa whaaat??

My claim: Being negative, and nitpicking a picture is every Ghosthead's god given right.

My point easily explained: Everyone has the right to share their opinion, and no one should be insulted, criticized, or silenced for it. (Unless someone goes off on a rampage cussing and stuff like that. That person shouldn't be allowed to talk)

NOW…onto Egon. Although I'm tempted to say Egon looks like crap to get a kick out of Bo's response, I'll say I'm undecided (learning toward liking). This Egon certainly looks like an uber-nerd, but I'm not sure if he looks like Egon. I think his eyebrows are a lil too thick, and his glasses need to be more round, more circular. Those look like Louis'. The rest of the picture looks awesome. I love the RGB throwback on the PKE Meter, the red coloring that is.