Egon Series 1 "the real ghostbusters" figure mint

by charmyer

15 years, 8 months ago

I am selling this Egon series 1 firgure MOC (mint on card). This is almost impossible to find anywhere. I also will shortly be selling all four original ghostbusters. Check out my site. If you think my price is too high let me know what you want to offer. I dont know the fair market value for these. All I know is it took me a few years to find them and I had to pay some decent money to get them.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Some guy is selling the original egon spengler action figure mint on the card on ebay. I thought I would never run into that. Check it out. I would get it if I could.

Hmmm… two posts, both almost identical… about this figure auction… acting as if its “never seen”, which it is, and its ridiculously overpriced…

Methinks this is your auction, and you're trying to hype it up for yourself.

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago



by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

Moved to the marketplace.

by rgghost1

15 years, 8 months ago

I sold a MOC Egon on ebay about 9 months ago. Mine was in much better condition than yours and I only got $130.00 for it. But maybe you will get lucky…

by charmyer

15 years, 8 months ago

Wow that is extremly cheap. I have seen them sell for much more than that. I paid more than that to get mine. I see MOC he-man and thundercats priced at $800-3,000.00 MOC. Ghostbusters MOC are far more rare than those other action figure lines. I aslo am asking for best offer, so I hope people see that and make an offer, it doesnt hurt.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

You should consider yourself lucky this topic wasn't locked and post you made in the Mattel thread deleted because of the duplicity employed with this auction.

You should've just come out and been honest from the start, rather than pretending to “find” it.

And frankly, I think you're asking exorbitantly too much for the figure. A mint on card Egon Spengler is not worth just short of one grand.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Wow that is extremly cheap. I have seen them sell for much more than that. I paid more than that to get mine. I see MOC he-man and thundercats priced at $800-3,000.00 MOC. Ghostbusters MOC are far more rare than those other action figure lines. I aslo am asking for best offer, so I hope people see that and make an offer, it doesnt hurt.

Yea, its not worth anywhere near $800.

Look it up in a pricing guide dude.

This isn't even a mint card. You can see that the card is rippled and damaged in the picture on the auction.

You probably got ripped off when you bought yours and now you're trying to make up for that by ripping someone else off.

Either that, or you're just trying to talk it up to try to get some sucker to pay way too much for that figure. This is, of course, the more likely of the scenarios, since you weren't honest about it being your auction from the start, and acted as if you had “found it”.

by charmyer

15 years, 8 months ago

I deleted the post in the mattel posting myself and apologize for putting it in there. I am not trying to rip anyone off. I honestly dont know the fair market value for this item and am asking ghostbusters fans to tell me or make an offer. My apologies gentleman.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

My sources say $20 straight up loose and $60-90 in pacakge depending on condition.


Additionally I am being told that of the series 1 figures Peter is the one that goes for the most

::edit of edit::

It should also be noted that my source is about two years old by this point but I seriously doubt it has done up or down that much in two years…but who knows