E.M.F into P.K.E shell...

by W.Zeddemore15

23 years, 3 months ago

I know of you think that you can't fit an EMF detecter into an Ion Shoe polisher.Well,I was going through websites awhile ago and came upon a EMF detecter that is a lot smaller than a regular EMF detecter.It looks like it can fit into the PKE meter shell.I forgot the website,but I'll go look for it soon.

by cmgbpk

23 years, 3 months ago

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago

Actually, I think an EMF can fit inside a PKE. So your assumption was wrong. smile

by sg1star

23 years, 3 months ago

what im doing is modfying a emf, im adding a lcd screen to it to have arcs like in the movie and hooking up the arms to it, so they rasie as the meters reads higher, and the lights will go faster just like in the movie, were trying to get sound into it too, we being me and my bro in law, hes the eletroic wiz, and im putitng it in my pke shell

by wingsnut25

23 years, 3 months ago

Ive got an EMF into a PKE Frame before, I decided to scarp that PKE Though, the problem was my PKE shell I constructed out of metal, which can mess with the EMF ratings, its the same thing if you complete encase the intenaa of an EMF in a plastic shell, it will absorb some of the EMF, all be it very little, but some…it could be the difference between regiestring as a milligaus or not..