Entire Unopened Collection

by joey1021

14 years, 5 months ago

When the first Ghostbusters toy came arrived on the shelf I was drawn to it. So much so that I bought every Ghostbuster toy that was being sold. I even talked the Toys R Us manager to giving me the display sign. All these years I've kept this collection unopened, sealed away. Every piece looks like the day I bought it. Do anyone think that I could have something here or have I been hanging on to this collection all these years for my own satisfaction.(*janine)

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

When the first Ghostbusters toy came arrived on the shelf I was drawn to it. So much so that I bought every Ghostbuster toy that was being sold. I even talked the Toys R Us manager to giving me the display sign. All these years I've kept this collection unopened, sealed away. Every piece looks like the day I bought it. Do anyone think that I could have something here or have I been hanging on to this collection all these years for my own satisfaction.(*janine)

You most certainly have something. That's easily worth into the $1,000's if its all still mint and you have every figure.

Each of the 4 1st series guys alone usually go for $100-$150.

You should post some pictures, I'm sure we'd all love to see it.