episodes wanted

by caelan

21 years, 6 months ago

I'm looking for any episodes I can get my hands on. VHS preferred. Will pay a reasonable price or exchange tape for tape. I have some episodes that are good and clear looking to replace the snowy ones I have and the ones on the tape I had that broke on me.

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 6 months ago

I have some episodes. E-mail me at RStantz1989@aol.com and we can discuss a trade for the ones you have and the ones I have

by SlayerGhost

21 years, 6 months ago

hey i have episodes(EVERY ONE 140.00 in good quality) for sale 120.00 for the set shipping and handling included!!!
it is a worth it set has all the introductions and endings from the show
has all the “after these messages”(with the symbol) on the tapes
there is 9 tapes total
(all in a 7 to 8 episode quality)
e-mail me at:
the slayer