Equipment in GB III

by bigmanib

16 years, 2 months ago

they can have some type of Camouflage suit were ghosts can't see you.

so you can sneak up on them or wait for them to come to you.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

See now this is where you make up some fault in them…like say maybe the proximity traps or wireless traps have a flaw due to Egon's design that causes them to only operate as intended a percentage of times, to throw a number out say 80%…so they keep the traditional traps as back-ups.

Or perhaps an ecto stunner which has an ear piercing, high amplitude sound wave that damages the ear drums. Similar to having to look away from the bright light which emits from the ecto trap the Ghostbusters have to put their fingers in their ears when using the stunner. I can imagine the guys coming out of a job half deaf and mishearing what eachother is saying. That could obviously have alot of comic value.

Stanz: “It's fingers in your ears time!”.

A memorable line, I think.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 2 months ago

is GB3 really going to be a GB3 movie? or will it be a revamp or spin off or what? i would not mind any changes as long as it does not look ridiculous or just so some fanboy/girl can have it go the way they want. if anything changes it better be for a good reason. it should follow the plot, like the old stuff is obsolete, or they get bought out, or whatever. keep simple and not over the top with CGI. i would be so disappointed if they do it like they did indy 4 (funny how 4 and $ are the same key)

by ecto-21

16 years, 1 month ago

I also feel that new tech or gear is the next logical step, but it should still maintain that homemade look or quality. Even Ghostbusters II had a few new/altered pieces of equipment that I can think of: there wasn't just the slime packs (I forget the actual name) but also the thined down trap used to catch the runner ghost, and the upright trap looking gadgets used in the jewelry store.

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

I also feel that new tech or gear is the next logical step, but it should still maintain that homemade look or quality. Even Ghostbusters II had a few new/altered pieces of equipment that I can think of: there wasn't just the slime packs (I forget the actual name) but also the thined down trap used to catch the runner ghost, and the upright trap looking gadgets used in the jewelry store.

It wasn't thinned down, it was just a normal Trap that was part-buried in the jogging path.

by stevezissou

16 years, 1 month ago

I want to see the original packs, and traps, maybe a new device in the same way we saw the Slime Blower in GB2, but primary should still be the good old porton pack.

I would like it if they used some sort of device on the Ecto-1, maybe a massive ghost trap on the roof, and they can drive the car right under the ghost and nab it.

by slimerboy

16 years, 1 month ago

id like to a a “hand gun” type pack like the cow boy wore in th egb show at universal. wich i am assuming was just a rehash of kylie's gun from the cartoon.

by matthew1

16 years, 1 month ago

How about an ecto snap trap. Kind of like a mouse trap, you can switch it on and leave it in a room and it gives off some kind of wave which certain classes ghosts find irresistible. The ghosts are attracted towards it and as soon as they touch it “BANG”! It nabs 'em.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 1 month ago

Didn't my proximity trap already get shot down?

by piero1985

16 years, 1 month ago

This would be a perfect proton pack and proton gun for a Gb3: