Equipment in GB3

by drugasbuster

22 years, 11 months ago

i think that a super powered extra large proton pack would not be good…it would look baaaaaaaad….

by DocEggman

22 years, 11 months ago

Come to think of it, the Slime Blower was pretty useful in defeating Vigo.

by Texasgb

22 years, 11 months ago

ecto-3 I am sorry for my post. I did not mean to upset you. I think we both share many of the same ideas but just differ on some things..

by ecto-3

22 years, 11 months ago

hey I know what you mean wink and it didnt upset me besides I should say sorry smile

In all facts the slime blower would come in handy to spray annoying @$$holes wink

by UncleSirus

22 years, 10 months ago

Hello, all! I'm new and I just had to reply to this topic.
I have been working on a fanfic which takes place in the not so far off future. In this story, I have introduced what I like to call the EPE or Electron Pulse Emitter. What it does is bombard the highly positive ions in a ghost with a highly negativly charged electrons causing a particle displacment.
In a nuttshell: it blows 'em up real good.

by Venkman

22 years, 10 months ago

I hope they just keep the old stuff from GB1 and GB2

by MasterSpider

22 years, 10 months ago

Me too, but something new I would actually like, as long as they shy away from the EGB packs (which I don't think are all that bad.) I would like a new piece of equipment all together, like a Proton Handgun, super charged with it's own battery pack for emergency use with those slimeblower fellows who run into nasties.

by UncleSirus

22 years, 10 months ago

What about the stuff from the OGB cartoons? Like, what about using the Ecto-3 (you guys remember that helcopter, right?).

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 10 months ago

I think that the proton packs should keep the same appearance as they have before, but they should be more powerful, like the ones from extreme ghostbusters. But i definitley think they should stay away from extreme ghostbusters. if they don't, it could bring extreme ghostbusters back, and who wants that?

by RobertKnippels

22 years, 10 months ago

I think the good old proton pack and trap will do fine in a ghostbusters 3 I think that the only thing that's important that they will make a good story, don't change to much and do not bring in to much new equipment because if there is a bad story the new equipment will not help to make it anny better.

Regards Robert ( ghostbusters Holland )