Ernest goes back to jail for remake

by pf4eva1

16 years, 11 months ago

HOLLYWOOD, California (AP) – Just when you thought the recent onslaught of remakes and reboots was behind us, many more titles are to come. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is in the works, as are Friday the 13th, Rosemary's Baby, and Prom Night. But no movie about killer tomatoes can top the absurdity of the latest recently-announced remake.

On Friday, Touchstone Pictures, The Weinstein Company, and Platinum Dunes announced that they will be collaborating on an upcoming remake (or re-imagining, rather) of – are you sitting down? – Ernest Goes to Jail. No writer or director has been announced, but Michael Bay will executive-produce. “The time is right for an Ernest movie,” says Bay. “The original Ernest Goes to Jail is a cinematic masterpiece, and I am deeply honored to be asked to re-envision it for a new generation.”

The role of Ernest P. Worrell – played in the original series of commercials, TV series, and movies by the late Jim Varney – has already been cast; Danny Trejo will play the mild-mannered bank janitor, as well as lookalike prisoner Felix Nash. “Danny Trejo is a very good friend of ours,” says Harvey Weinstein, “and we chose him because of his striking resemblance to Jim Varney. Danny is a very good actor, extremely versitile, and Ernest fans will not be disappointed.”

Trejo, himself an ex-convict, recently played Michael Myers's caretaker/janitor in Rob Zombie's Halloween remake back in August. He says that he is figuring out a way to conceal his mustache while portraying Ernest. "Yeah, I'm actually workin' with Stan Winston on designin' some latex to apply over my ‘stache so I look even more like Jimmy Varney. However, when I’m playin' Nash, I can keep the ‘stache without shavin’ the damn thing off, knowhutImean?"

It is unknown whether or not Ernest's unseen neighbor, Vern, will appear in this film or play any part in it. "We're toying around with the idea of getting Sid Haig or Lew Temple to play Vern," says Harvey Weinstein. "Danny and Lew were great together in Halloween, and it's always a treat to work with Sid Haig. If all else fails, we'll get Verne Troyer to play Vern or just not use Vern at all."

In the original 1990 film, the third in the movie series, dimwitted bank janitor Ernest P. Worrell (Varney) is assigned jury duty to decide the fate of prisoner Felix Nash (also played by Varney), who murdered a fellow prisoner. A lawyer in the case notices a resemblance and sets up a switcheroo. Hilarity ensues as Ernest has no idea he's in jail, and even more hilarity ensues when he attempts to break out. The film debuted at #1 at the box office in 1990, despite negative reviews. Jim Varney followed the film up with several more movies. One last Ernest movie, Ernest the Pirate, was in post-production when Varney died of lung cancer in 2000; the film was immediately canceled.

“The Ernest franchise has been dormant for far too long,” says Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein's brother. “Today's generation doesn't even know who Ernest is or was. The time has come for us to change that, knowhutImean?”

The film is set for release in late 2009 or early 2010.


by DocFritz

16 years, 11 months ago

“The time is right for an Ernest movie,” says Bay. “The original Ernest Goes to Jail is a cinematic masterpiece, and I am deeply honored to be asked to re-envision it for a new generation.”

I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything, or I would have done a major spit-take there. If I didn't see the CNN url that line alone would make it sound more like something from the Onion.

The Ernest movies were, at best, lowbrow stupid fun. “Cinematic Masterpiece” and “Ernest Movies” do not belong in the same sentence unless the rest of it includes the phrase “Are nothing alike”. Bay just blew a big chunk of whatever credibility Transformers may have brought him.

by Nix

16 years, 11 months ago


No. Just no.

(Although, some Ernest remakes with G.W. Bush, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, would be hilarious. )

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 11 months ago

“The Ernest franchise has been dormant for far too long,”

Well that tends to happen to a franchise when the actor who potrays the character dies…

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago


I can't see him playing Ernest. They better cover up all those tatoos with.

by moobyghost

16 years, 11 months ago

I love April Fools.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 11 months ago

Danny Trejo would make a better Lyle (guy on right).

by pf4eva1

16 years, 11 months ago

This one is a big obvious…

APRIL FOOL'S!!!:-) :-) :-)

Seriously though, who in their right mind would greenlight something like this?… unless one could do it right.

I thought Trejo looked enough like Jim Varney's character from that Three Ninjas straight-to-video movie from 1998. The first time I ever saw a picture of Danny, I thought he could be Jim Varney's brother or something. The resemblance is uncanny to me. But no, Trejo would be too serious and dark for Ernest.

by Nix

16 years, 11 months ago

Seriously though, who in their right mind would greenlight something like this?… unless one could do it right.

Well, you never know…

by mdp872105

16 years, 11 months ago

This one is a big obvious…

APRIL FOOL'S!!!:-) :-) :-)

Seriously though, who in their right mind would greenlight something like this?… unless one could do it right.

I thought Trejo looked enough like Jim Varney's character from that Three Ninjas straight-to-video movie from 1998. The first time I ever saw a picture of Danny, I thought he could be Jim Varney's brother or something. The resemblance is uncanny to me. But no, Trejo would be too serious and dark for Ernest.

Hollywood is very desperate, I wouldn't put it past them