Error on start up. Help??

by Glycerine

23 years, 4 months ago

zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh Bad Command of File Name

what's going wrong??

by nate

23 years, 4 months ago

Uh… went into the .bet file right? just pour everything into the Doom 2 folder, open the .bat file that came in the GB zip file, and change the directory to that long thing you mentioned. i got it to work on my first try…

by Glycerine

23 years, 4 months ago

I did… That's the message I got after I changed the .bat file… What should I do now considering that everything is already in the doom 2 file??

by ScubaSteve

23 years, 3 months ago

Um.. if you have Zdoom unzipped in to the doom2 folder, gbdoom unzipped, and have doom 2, then it should all work. Any other info you can give us?

by Glycerine

23 years, 3 months ago

I don't know what else there is to say.. It just doesn't work on my computer that's all.


by ScubaSteve

23 years, 3 months ago

Let's do this step by step.

1.)you own doom2 and have it installed on your computer. Out of curiosity, did you buy your copy of doom2 or get it elsewhere?

2.)you downloaded both and and exctracted them both into your doom2 folder.

3.)You right clicked on the z-gbd2.bat file and removed D:\games\doom2 from behind zdoom.exe and saved it.

4.)instead of running zdoom, you double clicked on z-gbd2.bat.

by Glycerine

23 years, 3 months ago

yeah.. I did all of that.. I d/l Doom2 from where Bo said that he found it.

by ScubaSteve

23 years, 3 months ago

BAD COMMAND OR FILE NAME.. hmmm… Edit the bat file again and check the name of each thing listed and make sure it reads zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh because for it to say that it means that something isn't right, not that it isn't working.

by Glycerine

23 years, 3 months ago

That's exactly what the file says.. And I still get an error message from it.

by DaSc0rPiO

23 years, 3 months ago

1)Click the Doom2 folder where evrything should be

2)Right click the file Z-gbd2.bat

3)click on Properties

4)Click on Program or Edit

5)Click the cmdline space, type this…
zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh

6)Now click the batch file space and type this…
zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh

7)Click Apply and tell me if this works

I had the same problem and I got really pi**ed when I couldn't play I tried this and now it works all you have to do is wait like 7secs.