European Posters

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

Is the weather seriously as terrible as they make it out to be on CNN? They said that it's offed about a dozen people so far. Is it that bad or is the wind just knocking everyone on their asses (or arses :p )

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago

Being British….

Do I reply?

Do I protest and say, “Damn it Man, we're British, not Europeans” or do I just kinda… go with it…

I'll do the latter.

I dont know how bad CNN is making, y'know, being “European” and all… we dont really get CNN. But it's been quite foul, and last I checked nine people have died, but that's in Britain, I have NO idea about mainland Europe.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

They had shots of Italy and Germany on there too, pal. I was just making sure that nobody was in danger or anything, so no need to make a production out of being labled.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

11 by the last record I saw.

Trees have been uprooted, planes were affected during take off, buildings received serious damage (Some losing their rooves) and electricity getting knocked out by pylons getting blown over.

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago


They had shots of Italy and Germany on there too, pal. I was just making sure that nobody was in danger or anything, so no need to make a production out of being labled.

I was attempting to be lighthearted. It was hardly a “production”. I was questioning whether I would identify as a European or not. I was not questioning your… erm, question.