Ever since I read the book First Blood I've not liked the Rambo movies. SPOILERS

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

For the book and movie.

I understand the movie first blood couldn't be exactly like the book but they could've made Teasle less of a jerk. At the end of the book both Rambo and Teasle Die but they die without feeling any hatrid for each other. But in the movie Teasle hates Rambo too much. He killed his man Galt in self defense. I guess maybe Teasle didn't realise that but unlike the book Rambo hadn't killed everybody that was close to Teasle. He just wounded them. In the book Teasle had every right to hate Rambo cause he killed Orval as well as almost every member on Teasle's force. But in the movie I feel like he didn't have as much reason to hate him. And at the end teasle could at least say he is sorry for everything and beg for mercy but he doesn't. Plus in the movie he is too hard on his officers. He threatens Mitch. I just feel like they could've made Teasle more sympathetic in the movie but instead he's basically the bad guy of the movie. Also at the beginning of the book Teasle lets Rambo buy 2 Hamburgers and a coke. I guess I'm not going to get anybody to agree with me. I know there are several people on here who like every one of the Rambo sequels. But I guess to each their own. I would encourage you to read the book if you haven't.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

You really should separate your points and paragraphs. It makes it hard to read what you're trying to say when it's all in one line. Anyway;

Rambo is suppose to be the sympathetic character of the film, and honestly, I think that works better. It wouldn't of worked well in film in both characters had the same amount of sympathy, and it wouldn't of been told well either. In the film it was easy to get that Rambo is traumatized by the war, but what exactly can be done make tell Teasels story?

Although in the book, you are suppose to be sympathetic for both of them, and neither of them are really the good or bad guys. Both characters had equally strong reasons for doing what they did, but neither are stronger then the other, and neither them are realty better than the other. It's always back in the fourth in the book. Sometimes I feel for Rambo, then I might feel for Teasel.

I do like the book. Don't get me wrong on that, but reading it hasn't changed my opinion on the films. David Morrell actually novelized Rambo: First Blood Part 2 and Rambo III.

I guess I'm not going to get anybody to agree with me. I know there are several people on here who like every one of the Rambo sequels.

I will agree, that what works in book, doesn't always work in film. Besides, Morell actually liked Rambo (4) because it was the first time the film was actually as violent as the book. I'm glad the First Blood film didn't end with Rambo dying though (even though it was filmed), it would of been too dark of an ending.

I don't get why don't like the sequels just because was jerk, because he the character was already gone in that point. Even if he was less of the jerk, they could of made the sequels and it would of been the same, cause the whole point was Rambo was just tired of being pushed around and he finally snapped. That's what happens in the book, and film.

by pinkandblack84

14 years, 9 months ago

i've read the book and i enjoy the boo kand the movies for me personnally i love them, i'm a big stallone fan, at the end of the day Rambo is meant to be a sympathetic character, he is a man who gets pushed and pushed until he can't take anymore i always think back to Rambo 4 “when you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing” that seems to sum him up pretty well he is what he is.

I'm also glad Rambo didn't die at the end of the first film, the film adaptation is different from the book that's for sure, but i enjoyed both.

by theo1361

14 years, 9 months ago

anyone seen the deleted scene where rambo commits suicide
of course i like the book better but its hollywood and they gotta make their money by exploiting everything that has been done

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

anyone seen the deleted scene where rambo commits suicide

I have. I'm glad they didn't use that ending. I don't see how they could of ended it well with that scene. When Rambo walks off in handcuffs, with the song “It's a long Road”, it was perfect.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

I actually own all the rambo movies (except for the 4th one which I hadn't bothered to see). I bought them and watched them before I read the book. I guess they aren't as bad as I was saying they were. I guess they're alright. But I do prefer the book to the movies.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

I actually own all the rambo movies (except for the 4th one which I hadn't bothered to see).

If you don't own the fourth one, then you don't actually own them all.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

Peter Venkmen;161144
If you don't own the fourth one, then you don't actually own them all.
Point taken. Anyways I kind of feel like Teasle was too much of a jerk in the movie. Like I said in my first post Teasle ends up pitying Rambo in the book but in the movie he would rather die, Die, than to feel sorry for Rambo. I just think that is kind of stupid.