Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

The license plate website is www.licenseplates.tv the plate is about 75.00 to have an authentic looking 1980's New York plate made. You can make your own example of a plate and see how it would look completed on the site as well. I know I will be sending for one sometime soon.

That site's pretty good, and seems pretty reasonable, and it offers both designs of plates so you can have either the white plate for a 1A, or a orange plate for Ecto-1.

Saturday and the bridal cars included two Mad Max Interceptors!

Very cool cars, probably the famous Australia can have to it's name.

by egonsgal

19 years, 3 months ago

I am SO jealous!! I've wanted my own Ecto ever since I can remember but I'll have to do with my model I got from a Sci-Fi fair. Nice though!! It stands proudly in my bookcase next to my Mr. Stay Puft. Do keep us up to date and send photos. I wish I'd win the lottery so I could do a replica as well…ah, sweet dreams!

by Ghosthead_From_Quebec

19 years, 3 months ago

That's so cool. You're so lucky ! Having cash and time, I,d probably do the same. Men, I hope you'll keep us inform of all the progress you'll do.

**Does actually any police services would give a ticket because the car has blue light ? I mean, if you do not activated them, would it be that stupid…Just hope you'll be able, when the car will be finish to drive with no prob

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

The cops well only give u a ticket if you have the light on and your driving. Other that if the car is in park you can have all the bells and whisles going.

by d_osborn

19 years, 3 months ago

The cops well only give u a ticket if you have the light on and your driving.
in most places, they'll do more than simply ticket you for having the lights going….

by Chad

19 years, 3 months ago

With the onset of our first snow, the car is now in storage. I updated the photos for what will probably be the last time this year. I will let you all know when the official site for the project is completed and online.

by egonsgal

19 years, 3 months ago

Are you going to have a tag made for her with Ecto on it when she's finished?

by egonsgal

19 years, 3 months ago

Without meaning to sound very girlie here, but, have you thought of doing a scrapbook of the process? It'd be a great momento to show people how she was when you first got her and then the restoration of her. If I may be cheeky here, I suggest finding your nearest Creative Memories Consultant and getting an album, adhesive, page protectors and a black pen at least (to make a very simple, to the point album). These albums are guaranteed for generations (as long as they are stored well, not in the attick, etc.) and so it'd be something you would always have and could pass down to people to share your love and dedication to Ecto and Ghostbusters. If I was taking on such a huge project this is what I would do.

Like I said, may sound like a girlie thing to do, but ya never know.

by gbmasterman

19 years, 3 months ago

Egon's Gal
Without meaning to sound very girlie here, but, have you thought of doing a scrapbook of the process? It'd be a great momento to show people how she was when you first got her and then the restoration of her. If I may be cheeky here, I suggest finding your nearest Creative Memories Consultant and getting an album, adhesive, page protectors and a black pen at least (to make a very simple, to the point album). These albums are guaranteed for generations (as long as they are stored well, not in the attick, etc.) and so it'd be something you would always have and could pass down to people to share your love and dedication to Ecto and Ghostbusters. If I was taking on such a huge project this is what I would do.

Like I said, may sound like a girlie thing to do, but ya never know.

I think that's what Chad would like to do also, only I think he plans to keep the pictures and such on a computer/online. He wants to be able to show us every step of the way in converting this car into in Ecto. I too like being able to keep a scrapbook, or photos on the computer of the props I build, trying to take pictures of each step along the way. It's cool to be able to one day look back and see what all went in to making a prop, whether it's a simple Ghost Trap, all the way up to your own Ectomobile.

by egonsgal

19 years, 3 months ago

True. But It's a good idea to preserve the photos elsewhere as well as on the computer incase your hard drive dies, etc. Plus even on a disk they are only guaranteed for 5-7 years.