Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by Chad

19 years, 3 months ago

Egon's Gal
True. But It's a good idea to preserve the photos elsewhere as well as on the computer incase your hard drive dies, etc. Plus even on a disk they are only guaranteed for 5-7 years.

Very true, and good question. I use iPhoto to manage all my pictures and Apple has a great scrapbook feature that allows you to layout your own photobook and order it online. They print and bind the book for you and everything.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

Chad I also reccommend you use a regular scrapbook with photo taken off a regular camera. Its always a thril for me to go to car shows and see how they restored cars.

by secrecyguy

19 years, 3 months ago

The cops well only give u a ticket if you have the light on and your driving. Other that if the car is in park you can have all the bells and whisles going.

Not true. It depends on the state you live in and which police officer end up seeing your car.

There was a guy who used to live near by where I live with a Ecto-1 and Ecto-1A replica and he told me that he got ticketed before for the lights.

He even told me that there was one time, one of the police officer thought it was suppose to be a police car so he gave him a ticket for impersonating a police car. Obviousely, the guy never saw Ghostbusters.

by back

19 years, 3 months ago

Now chad, isnt this when you wish that you had a nice big garage? LOL :-)
im gone.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

He even told me that there was one time, one of the police officer thought it was suppose to be a police car so he gave him a ticket for impersonating a police car. Obviousely, the guy never saw Ghostbusters.

Heh, surely the Cop would have realised it wasn't a Police Car when he saw the ‘ghost’ logo… what, did he think it was a bunch of ‘Ghost Cops’

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

(missing the OBVIOUS referrence) But Kingpin, they refer to the Ghostbusters as Ghost-cops in the movie, with the chinatown part of the montage sequence.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

(missing the OBVIOUS referrence) But Kingpin, they refer to the Ghostbusters as Ghost-cops in the movie, with the chinatown part of the montage sequence.

That was kinda what I was going with, with the inverted commas and all…

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

(sigh) no, I was going along with your joke, get it? ah nevermind.

by Marduk

19 years, 3 months ago

Just a thought: Have you considered trying to order a siren set-up from overseas? Many official vehicles in Europe have sirens that sound awfully close to the Ecto 1. Maybe it would be less hassle here in the states considering the siren does not look or sound like an American emergency vehicle.

As I said, just a thought.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

The siren sound itself isn't a problem, there are a few digital recordings which mean… that if he really needed it, he could simply download it… the harder part is getting the metal siren housing (The metal case it's in) which is a lot rarer to get a hold of.