Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by rick1

19 years, 1 month ago

Found a cool site today which has a nice 1959 Miller Meteor Ambulance (not for sale, though). I think I remember seeing this car for sale about 5 years ago, though, probably belonging to this company ever since. Check it out in the “1950's” car selection.

Also, FYI, I found this site through my Australian Ford Falcon Club. Someone in the club just sold his 1975 Ford XB Falcon to this Cinema Vehicles company. Check it out if you're keen, it's in the “new arrivals” section.


By the way, I don't wanna speak too soon, but I may be acquiring my own 59 Caddy very soon. It's not Miller Meteor, but it's a fully restored Hearse and looks beautiful. More details in a couple of weeks…

by egonsgal

19 years, 1 month ago

Aside from having my own Ecto-1, I've always wanted a Christine as well. In the book it was a 57 Chevy but in the movie is a 57 … shit I can't remember now. I've come down with tonsillitis and am on some heavy meds so my brain isn't all here at the moment. But I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about, how she was two different cars between the book and movie. I'm sure it started with a T though…possibly a Th…

by river_of_slime

19 years, 1 month ago

Egon's Gal
Aside from having my own Ecto-1, I've always wanted a Christine as well. In the book it was a 57 Chevy but in the movie is a 57 … shit I can't remember now. I've come down with tonsillitis and am on some heavy meds so my brain isn't all here at the moment. But I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about, how she was two different cars between the book and movie. I'm sure it started with a T though…possibly a Th…

Actully it was a 1957 “Custom order” Plymouth Fury but in the movie they turn it into a 1958 Plymouth Belveder. They look the same minus some chrome trim and paint. Fury only came in one color back 57-59 (it was like a white)

by egonsgal

19 years, 1 month ago

i knew it was a fury! my mind is so fuzzy at the moment with all this medicine i can hardly think straight. in anycase, christine and ecto have always been my two dream cars.

by coughcough

19 years, 1 month ago

If I can ever afford it, I'm going to turn my 95 chevi lumina minivan into, the closest I can possibly get it at least, the Ecto-1.

If I can't, I can always repaint it to match the A-Team van.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 1 month ago

Egon's Gal
i knew it was a fury! my mind is so fuzzy at the moment with all this medicine i can hardly think straight. in anycase, christine and ecto have always been my two dream cars.

Sounds like my plans as well I also might note maybe by next yr i'll have tons of info about Christine to put on a new version of my site. My plan is to have a site devoited to possed cars. IE Bluesmobile, Ecto and Christine

by Egons_girlfriend24

19 years, 1 month ago

I really like that car! I always wanted to ride in one. Good Luck Chad!

It would be so cool to drive Etcomobile. Espically in a big city with alot of people.

ROSLEE (*janine) :-) (*rant)

by river_of_slime

19 years, 1 month ago

Found a cool site today which has a nice 1959 Miller Meteor Ambulance (not for sale, though). I think I remember seeing this car for sale about 5 years ago, though, probably belonging to this company ever since. Check it out in the “1950's” car selection.

That my downunder ghosthead is a 1959 Cadillac Miller Meteor Sentieal (Sp?) Ambulance. Basicly thats what the ambulance sevices ran all over the country. The funeral homes ran the combo and shes pretty nice looking to. I also love the 1969 Cadillac Ambulance as well, the 66 is to plan looking and ugly.

Keep us in form about your new car; what actully is it? Superior, Eureka, S&S? If its fully restored then please dont turn it into an Ecto replica.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Chuck… Chuck, for the love of…

You've got to explain this stuff… not everyone is going to know the differences between a Superior and Eureaka and mentioning a bunch of names will not always work.

Being an expert in that stuff makes damn little difference if you don't explain some of it…

Nothing personal, but not everyone knows the many different models of the 59 Caddy.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 1 month ago

Chuck… Chuck, for the love of…

You've got to explain this stuff… not everyone is going to know the differences between a Superior and Eureaka and mentioning a bunch of names will not always work.

Being an expert in that stuff makes damn little difference if you don't explain some of it…

Nothing personal, but not everyone knows the many different models of the 59 Caddy.

DUDE! It says Superior, Euerka, MM, and the others on the coach thats one way to tell the diffrence along with the style. PLus just to let you know I dont know the diffrences in regular caddys except chrome treatment. I just know the main diffrences the coach companys used to set theres apart from everybody else.