Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by Kingpin

18 years, 6 months ago

I think the lack of activity has been because the car's been closed up in shelter for the winter.

by gbmasterman

18 years, 6 months ago

Chad was planning to visit the car for the first time since puting it in storage for the winter, on Easter weekend.

by Chad

18 years, 6 months ago

Chad was planning to visit the car for the first time since puting it in storage for the winter, on Easter weekend.

Correct, but the rain prevented me from doing so. I have yet to visit the car, but I will do so very shortly. Hopefully next week.

The car is exactly how I left it, I will take more pictures as soon as I take it out again.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 6 months ago

Spam alert! (*rant) (*spam)

You guys are getting really annoying. You're on all the boards! :@

by Kingpin

18 years, 6 months ago

How many bloody times do I have to erase those posts? It must target it because it's car related…

by Chad

18 years, 5 months ago

Just a heads up. I took the car out for Memorial day, and on the way from the storage facility, the car died. After a tow to my parent's house, it looks like I need a new water pump and a few other things.

Everything was closed due to the holiday, so the weekend of driving and filming the car (I was going to put some videos up on youtube for all who wanted to see the car in action) will have to wait until next weekend. My parents are gracious enough to let me store the car in their garage and I hope to find a water pump and radiator hoses in the city sometime this week.

Look forward to updating the site more often with work dying down during the summer. I think I have decided to put off restoration on the car until I have around a 20K fund in cash dedicated to the car. Most likely will begin next February or so. I'm going to do a frame-off restoration and I found a shop with a great reputation.

by secrecyguy

18 years, 5 months ago

Just a heads up. I took the car out for Memorial day, and on the way from the storage facility, the car died. After a tow to my parent's house, it looks like I need a new water pump and a few other things.

Everything was closed due to the holiday, so the weekend of driving and filming the car (I was going to put some videos up on youtube for all who wanted to see the car in action) will have to wait until next weekend. My parents are gracious enough to let me store the car in their garage and I hope to find a water pump and radiator hoses in the city sometime this week.

Look forward to updating the site more often with work dying down during the summer. I think I have decided to put off restoration on the car until I have around a 20K fund in cash dedicated to the car. Most likely will begin next February or so. I'm going to do a frame-off restoration and I found a shop with a great reputation.


Just joking!

I didn't know the car is still drivable. Oh wait, you said it broke down so it's not anymore now.

I bet when it is all done, it will look excellent!

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

I'm actually going to be incredibly picky about this car, and that said, I'm looking to either fabricate or purchase the older orange plates in the original film.

The license plate website is www.licenseplates.tv the plate is about 75.00 to have an authentic looking 1980's New York plate made. You can make your own example of a plate and see how it would look completed on the site as well. I know I will be sending for one sometime soon.

here for 25$… seller ID bigkidkate


is just that… he scares me :-(

by Dr.D

18 years, 4 months ago

How's it going Chad?

by zonatar

18 years, 2 months ago

Any news??? (*peter)