Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

I don't think anyone was saying that Buy It Now was reasonable or that it's been completely confirmed that that auction was bogus… he quoted my post from another forum.

This thing is like offering an Ecto-1 on a silver platter, it's almost surely too good to be true and as I mentioned, I'm sure I've seen that blue ambulance before (mostly due to those lights on her roof being such a memorable feature).

by TreasureHunt

17 years, 7 months ago

He sent some pics of a couple cars. It looks like one is already being restored into an Ecto, but he said that is for a customer who has already put a deposit on that car. He did offer a cheaper price if I didn't want the big engine and special suspension stuff. He e-mailed the link for a new auction, but I can't get my copy function to work. I hate PCs. My Mac never acts up, but alas, it's at home. Anyway, I know you can find it by searching for Cadillac Ecto on Ebay.co.uk. I think I'm going to try to buy one that is partially restored if I can sell my Mustang quick enough.

by KWilliams

17 years, 7 months ago

AWESOME dude! Keep us posted for sure–this is exciting.

by CazmarDM_2

17 years, 6 months ago

It will be interesting to see some friends did a rendering of a PT cruiser as an ecto once and i will post them soon

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

It will be interesting to see some friends did a rendering of a PT cruiser as an ecto once and i will post them soon

Did you mean “It will be interesting to see. Some friends…”

I ask as if the above sentence isn't what you meant to say then I don't understand why you posted that tidbit about the PT Cruiser in this particular topic.

by SSJTrunks

17 years, 3 months ago

You have to be the luckiest person I know right now dude. I almost had one but, it wasn't the ambulance model…so i was gonna have to do a lot of work and he wanted like 36k for it it was mint condition though… i wish i could be you (i want that car so bad lol) your lucky to find one because that year is very very very very very hard to find ive been told its very rare to find one now! cant wait to see it finished good luck with it!

by secrecyguy

17 years, 3 months ago

Any updates on the car.

Or did you give up on it?

You have been really quiet about it lately.

by Chad

17 years, 2 months ago

Status is the same. I am waiting until I have all the money needed to complete the project before I start. I'm doing this so the restoration goes as smooth as possible, and once I start I will document the whole process. I have a few shops in mind, all are top notch and, you guessed it, expensive.

I will need tens of thousands of dollars (upwards of 50 - 70k) to complete this project, so please have some patience. While, I could start this process now, I wouldn't have much of an emergency fund left over. I'm hoping to start by late 2008 / early 2009, I promise to keep you all updated as decisions are made.

Trust me, it is very hard to be patient, I know. But bear with me. (^_^)

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

And on the tail of that just to reitterate, there will be updates when Chad posts them so please… there's no need to ask if there's been an update because if one hasn't been posted then obviously nothing has happened.

by fome

17 years, 2 months ago

uh Ben what Chad just said was kinda enough for people to understand lol