Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by StraycatsGhost

15 years, 5 months ago

i'm not sure if you got my email or not, but your GB logo magnets are on the way, they should be there tomorrow or thursday. Being a car nut and working in the motor city, please feel free to consult me for any questions/parts/restoration questions you may have. i'm connected with damn near every shop in the Detroit area. if you're going to do anything major, PLEASE ask me first I can let you know if your'e getting ripped off or not or if I know someone that can do somehting better/cheaper. I hope you like the magnets. stay in touch.

p.s. i'm mad jealous i don't know how much longer i can hold off the voices in my head that keep telling me to steal your car…



are these magnets still available? I've always thought it would be cool to have some like this for my own car

by Chad

15 years, 5 months ago

Welcome Egon and StraycatsGhost.

I will look into the magnets. I was wondering myself, as I need a larger version for the rear door. I will ping the person who made them available and find out for us all.

by Goblin

15 years, 4 months ago

Just beautiful baby you´ve got.^^
Will you paint it like Ecto-1?

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

Will you paint it like Ecto-1?

That is Chad's plan, once all the body work is completed.

by Goblin

15 years, 4 months ago

Wow,just want to see it,when it´s finish.

by Staypufft2010

15 years, 2 months ago

I cant wait to see the end product good luck my friend

by IgnatzKaspir

15 years ago

Well, it's officially been 5 years since this thread started. I don't care to check through every post, so could anyone fill me in on a few details:

1) How much did the car cost, and how much would a complete restoration and conversion add to the cost?

2) Has there been any significant progress made since getting the car? Any other pics besides those on the first page?

3) What's kept the car from being completed? Money, time, difficulty in finding parts? Hopefully Chad hasn't simply lost interest.

by EgonSpengler86

15 years ago

Well you're lucky because I can't even drive. I have to take the bus which when the students aren't in session only goes by my workplace once an hour. So I have to show upto work an hour early when the students aren't in session. I hope your Ecto 1 turns out perfect.

by JohnPiper2

14 years, 8 months ago

Where did Chad go and his project?

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

Chad's busy working on GBN 2.0.