Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by rick1

14 years, 5 months ago

Ignatz Kaspir;159022
Well, it's officially been 5 years since this thread started. I don't care to check through every post, so could anyone fill me in on a few details:

1) How much did the car cost, and how much would a complete restoration and conversion add to the cost?

2) Has there been any significant progress made since getting the car? Any other pics besides those on the first page?

3) What's kept the car from being completed? Money, time, difficulty in finding parts? Hopefully Chad hasn't simply lost interest.

Car's take time, especially when you're on a limited budget. My Ford GT project has taken 5 years, and most of it was spent in the garage while I saved money to get it off to paint! I suspect Chad's car is in the same position. But if I were him, I'd be like “who cares how long it takes, the car's mine and it aint going anywhere”.

www.theecto1.com forum also has a few builders working on ‘59 MM cars and I’m sure they could happily tell you how much time and money it is costing them. My ‘60 MM has cost nearly $15,000 and that’s just in car, parts, shipping, and taxes. It's not a cheap project.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

13 years, 10 months ago

Was your car missing…

Why hasn't someone removed this spambot yet?

by Kingpin

13 years, 10 months ago

I'm not completely convinced it's actually a spambot.

by Nisei

13 years, 3 months ago

Car's take time, especially when you're on a limited budget.
Agreed. But it's been 6 years now since he bought the darn thing and the project hasn't even started yet…
Perhaps he should sell it to someone who does have the time and resources to build it.

by Kingpin

13 years, 3 months ago

Perhaps he should sell it to someone who does have the time and resources to build it.

Or he'll do whatever he pleases with it, seeing as it's his legally owned property.

by Nisei

13 years, 3 months ago

Sure he can do with it whatever he wants, it's his car smile
But it doesn't make much sense anymore that this thread is still a sticky.