Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by gbmasterman

19 years, 3 months ago

GhostBuster Bill
In a message dated 11/08/2005 4:04:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, janine@ghostbusters.net writes:

As a former owner of an Ecto-1 replica (my base car was a 1971 Olds 98 Cotner Bevington ambulance) and former member of the PCS (Professional Car Society) I can personally attest to the fact that your car will in fact PLUMMET in actual value if you convert that old beauty to an Ecto-1 clone! A mint condition 1959 MM is worth nearly $50,000,however after you butcher it into an Ecto it wil be worth 1/2 that much. My car was fun but after awhile the attention it drew was too much, and it became unfun!!! You will not believe the RIGHTS people give themselves regarding YOUR car! You will be miserable in about 2 years time guaranteed!

“Ghostbuster” Bill

Enclosed is a picture of me, the wife (as Gozer) and the car…………….long gone!

Haha. So many things I can pick apart with that. But just for the basics, it's his car, his money, and he can do whatever the hell he wants with it, and that's the end of the story right there. I he wanted to pour gasoline all over it and set it ablaze like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man (*flame) then so be it. The main fact is that the people who critisize you are in fact jealous of your gain. They wish they had it. As far as it's worth plumetting, ya sure, it will plumett to a car collector, but become worth a whole lot more to a movie collector. Besides it's only worth as much as your willing to pay for it.

By the way, Sean has had his for at least two years and he isn't too miserable, in fact he bought another! I know he's gotten frustrated but come on, making an Ecto 1 isn't easy.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

The main fact is that the people who critisize you are in fact jealous of your gain. They wish they had it.

Plus you gotta wonder, is it another one of those disgruntled car enthusiasts you always hear about? The ones who offer to buy your Delorean if they catch wind that you're converting it, or trash talk you at auto shows if the conversion is done.

by Chad

19 years, 3 months ago

Hello Chad.

In case you don't have a Ecto-1 license plate, here you go:


There's no license plate available for sale at this moment but keep looking at the seller's items for sale for one to show up soon

Thanks for the tip, I can always count on you to hunt down the relevant ebay auctions. Who needs google when we have you! I'm actually going to be incredibly picky about this car, and that said, I'm looking to either fabricate or purchase the older orange plates in the original film. I recall a website that sold blank plates from that area (reproductions, mind you) and they actually stamped them out per your request. If I ever get around to finding that site again, I'll be a happy guy. So many things to do, check, and buy. This is going to be crazy, I love it!

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

I belong to the Professional car society and I know how some members can be. However; most members dont care cause your saving a true classic car. If they wanted the car go out and buy the gas sucker (3-5mpg). Now i do get angry at the people who buy the non 59 caddys and turn them into Ectos. The non 59 caddys are just as rare as the 59. I also think Chad will resuce this girl and its not like shes in mint condtion.

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Chuck's right….if it's in poor shape, it won't be worth a boatload in the first place. Not that Chad's car is bad; in fact, it's damn pretty. A proper restoration (ie Sean-style) would boost its value, particularly outside the realm of ass-hat car collecting “enthusiasts.”

I'm absolutely, positively convinced that a well-done Caddy Ecto conversion could bring as much as a restored ambulance. Plus, it's personal value that's paramount here…..Chad's gonna be THRILLED w/ this car, guaranteed. Sure, it'll be a pain in the @ss to build, but the end product will most certainly bring him much satisfaction and happiness, and will definitely be a credit to the community (per his wish to involve all in the process).

I'm w/ Masterman on this one….please, don't rain on this parade. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean anyone else will. I bet my kitties that he's just as stoked in 2 yrs as he is right now.

And dude, you did it w/ and Olds. No room for criticizm.

by spengs1

19 years, 3 months ago

Chad: Congratulations on your newest purchase. It is indeed a nice find. I too, look foward to seeing the restoration.


19 years, 3 months ago

Chad, when you find those custom plate makers again post the link here, por favor. My pop's been looking for them to get a 64 plate for his Impala.

As for that Ecto-1 plate in the auction, that is crap. If you're gonna go for a replica plate it should LOOK like the plate it's replicating!

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

I dont know what that guy was bitching for, I personally would LOVE the attention the car draws, EMBRACE MAN! hell, you should plop the car in a parking lot somewhere and charge for photos, lol. I'm just kidding of course, but I bet you people WOULD pay for that chance. In all seriousness though, the Ecto-1 should NEVER be treated as a curse, it is in all shapes and sizes a blessing to find one in that good of condition and I'm glad your not putting it to waste.

by Edimasta

19 years, 3 months ago

I want some too… :-O

Really hot car!!

So my suggestions for the replica:

Do a cool, modern interiour!!

Something like GPS, Flat-Screens etc… would be cool
A DVD-CD-Radio and you can watch / listen Ghostbusters

by mrpecker3

19 years, 3 months ago

Some inspiration for you, Chad.

Notice the fine attention to the littlest details, like Duct Tape placement and tonality.