Everyone Can Relax, I Found The Car!

by internetotaku

19 years, 3 months ago

I hate to mimic everyone else but I can't help it really. Thats really awesome. It looks amazing, and thanks for sharing. Does it/How does it run?
Have fun! Looks like a wonderful task ahead of you.

by Marduk

19 years, 3 months ago

I had a shot at one of those many, many moons ago. The guy was a painter and was using it for a work vehicle!!! It was beat all to heck. I entered into negotiations to buy it from him, but the price was unreasonable.

I can't wait to see the finished product. You are gonna have a lot of fun with that old girl.

Be gentle with her…

by Chad

19 years, 3 months ago

Thanks to DJSquirt for the logo magnets. I will be taking an extensive set of pictures tomorrow and I hope to construct the first working version of the ecto replica site so things are more functional and I can start prop discussion about specific aspects of the car (interior, body, the lights, bells and whistles, etc.).

To answer some questions. The car is in great mechanical shape. The engine was rebuilt, the breaks, and a whole slew of other things also replaced 10 years ago. Since then, the car hasn't been driven often at all. I appreciate all the kind comments and I look forward to driving it to the DMV (either tomorrow or Friday) in order to get the title transfered and to register it. I plan on getting antique plates, which look pretty cool.

by back

19 years, 3 months ago

ahhhhhh, man… an ambulane at the DMV… never thought about how funny tha'd look. :-)
im gone.

almost missed this one…
As a former owner of an Ecto-1 replica (my base car was a 1971 Olds 98 Cotner Bevington ambulance) and former member of the PCS (Professional Car Society) I can personally attest to the fact that your car will in fact PLUMMET in actual value if you convert that old beauty to an Ecto-1 clone! A mint condition 1959 MM is worth nearly $50,000,however after you butcher it into an Ecto it wil be worth 1/2 that much. My car was fun but after awhile the attention it drew was too much, and it became unfun!!! You will not believe the RIGHTS people give themselves regarding YOUR car! You will be miserable in about 2 years time guaranteed!
Okay, opinion voiced but you also said…
my base car was a 1971 Olds 98 Cotner Bevington ambulance
Olds, Cadillac… BIG Differance!
A mint condition 1959 MM is worth nearly $50,000
So is a mint cond screen accurate ECTO-1

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

Ghost trap- 3000

Proton Charging- 500 dollars

Storage of the beast- 500 dollars

Mint condition Ecto- 1-….. Priceless.

There are some things money can't buy, but it can pay for restoring your Ecto-1.

by boholbrook1

19 years, 3 months ago

GhostBuster Bill
In a message dated 11/08/2005 4:04:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, janine@ghostbusters.net writes:

As a former owner of an Ecto-1 replica (my base car was a 1971 Olds 98 Cotner Bevington ambulance) and former member of the PCS (Professional Car Society) I can personally attest to the fact that your car will in fact PLUMMET in actual value if you convert that old beauty to an Ecto-1 clone! A mint condition 1959 MM is worth nearly $50,000,however after you butcher it into an Ecto it wil be worth 1/2 that much. My car was fun but after awhile the attention it drew was too much, and it became unfun!!! You will not believe the RIGHTS people give themselves regarding YOUR car! You will be miserable in about 2 years time guaranteed!

“Ghostbuster” Bill

Enclosed is a picture of me, the wife (as Gozer) and the car…………….long gone!

I KNOW THIS ******* GUY!

This dude used to have a picture of his ride up on Bill Emkow's old Ghostbusters Homepage many many years ago. His name is Bill Pond. Check it out…


And here's that picture of him and his old lady

by Chad

19 years, 3 months ago

I uploaded more photos. This weekend I plan on finishing the Message Board redesign, along with the new Ghostbusters.net temp page (serve as home until 2.0 is done) as well as the first version of the project page for my soon to be Ecto.

by Troggard

19 years, 3 months ago

Dude, I'm loving every minute of this. I can't wait to see the finished product.

BTW, what do you think of a crossover car, or something like that? I have a Jeep Wrangler. How do you think it'd be if I made it look like a more militaristic version of the Ectomobile? Just speculating, and there's probably no way in hell I can convince my fiance to let me do it. But what do you think of the idea?

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

Those logos just look right on her, don't they?

Bill: With all due respect, this is a 59 Cadillac, the car which was known for the Ecto-1… you used a Oldsmobile which… to be honest holds none of the style. Ecto replicas have always been popular with the public and the monetary (Ooh, big words :p ) downside is more then made up by the fact he'll be keeping another 59 Cadillac runnin and in tip top condition, and keeping Ghostbusters alive in the public eye.

besides, it's his car.

by Troggard

19 years, 3 months ago

Bo, that picture you posted makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl. Awesome costume, awesome car, plastic toy ghost trap. (^_^)

BTW, I remember you from back when I used to post here as Iceman416.